Sissy's Lullaby

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Hush little baby, don't you cry

sissy's gonna sing you a lullaby

about a little mockingbird

oh, do tell me what you heard!

You shot that bird with a rifle, but didn't you know?

It's sin to kill a mockingbird

oh, you're going to hell!

I wish you well!

This is all in your head

(you wish you were dead)

and tell me, how does it feel?

To slowly die, what's the big deal?

All it takes it a little push to have you teeter off the edge

there's a reason why you didn't go up to your mountain

we don't trust you today

we know what you'll say

"I'm just going to the creek to pray!"

To hell with what they say!

You know if you were alone

you'd feel the urge

to stand on that cliffside, and fall

you have nothing left at all!

Didn't you know?

It's a crime to steal the show!

The main role belongs to me!

Why did you ever come to be?

Your father doesn't love you!

Your mother doesn't love you!

And look what you made him do!

You made him forget about you!

Because you'll never be

as wonderful as me

as beautiful as me

as smart as me

because I'm your big sister!

Your role model, my dear!

That's why I drank so much beer!

Because I wanted to fuck you over

a little at a time

so, I did the things I did as a teen

because I knew father would never trust you to do a thing

after I left his house so many years before

left him waiting behind his door

and look where we are now, my darling!

I'm married with children, and where are you?

Oh right! You're still at home

crying, all alone

because you have no one

no one at all, love

so do what you were meant to do

nobody needs you

how about you go just a little closer to the edge?

Stand, right there, on that ledge

and if you fall, the devil will be there to catch you

he kept his promises true

and then you can sleep for a long, long time

and you'll have no reason, no rhyme

no need to survive

why are you still alive?

Hang down you head, dear

hang down your head and cry

hang down you head, dear

look girl, you're bound to die.

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