Hey, You

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I saw you, in a crowded store

and I walked behind you

looked at your cart full of junk

and said

"Drake, how you manage to eat all of that

and still stay fit is beyond me"

you turned around when you heard me

and smiled as you opened up your arms for a hug

but I didn't hug you

why didn't you tell me you were back in town?

"I thought you were mad at me"

I wasn't mad

"Well, you should be mad at me"


"I left you. I left you for her, and she was no good for me"

You hugged me

and said you missed me

and called me your little Laila, like you used to

you told me that you

found out you didn't love her

so you came back

and asked

if you could come over tomorrow night

and that'd be nice

because I haven't been able to sleep

there's so much to tell you

there's so much to say

but let's just stay here

hugging in the middle of Walmart

in the shampoo aisle to be exact

because sometimes

little moments heal big heartaches

more than time.

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