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I suppose an antidepressant poem was prescribed, so here ya go. :)

I got high

off of music and dancing

and lovers romancing

swaying slowly to the beat

sweating bodies feel the heat

as the rhythm flows

through your bones

I got high

off of Royal Crown Cola, the classic kind

and you asked me to dance, I paid no mind

to the fact that I've seen you before

Were you the guy standing by the door?

Talking about a Hispanic/ Middle Eastern queen

who took your heart with one little dream

I got high

off of you, a heart like mine

yeah, I'll forget in time

but for now, just hold me

for now, let's just be

a pair of people, spinning around

what led you to this dusty old town?

I got high

off of a bit of happiness, something

anything, nothing

I didn't feel numb, or empty for once

I just felt happy, and that was enough

to get me through the night

just hold me, hold me tight

I got high

what was your name, stranger?

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