Romeo & Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet
a Montague and a Capulet

a love spun from love and hate
a ball to which he wasn't late

he thought he loved Miss Rosaline
but her face he forgot in time

for he saw Miss Juliet
in the house of Capulet

forbidden romance
"May I have this dance?"

let hands say what mouths cannot
and later on, among the knots

you'll confess your love for me
and our love, they shall see

marriage is inevitable for poor Juliet
marry Paris, Capulet's wed

you shall forever be his lawfully wedded wife
do not dare cause strife

but Miss Juliet would not like to marry the Count
not for any worldly amount

for she loves Romeo so
she went ahead and stole the show

a potion drawn upon her lips
a poison drawn from Romeo's kiss

"And if I am to die by Romeo's side, I, Juliet
will die a Montague, and not a Capulet."

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