One More Day

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All I asked is for one more day

a day where we'd go fishing

and I'd take a nap beside you

as you caught some trout

and you'd push me into the water

and I'd drag you in with me

I love the water

and I loved you

one more night

where you'd hold me

until I fell asleep

because my nightmares

were only ever cured by you

the only stayed away

from the 6-foot-giant

curled up beside me

one more dance

because I loved to dance

and you'd chuckle

'I don't dance'

but you'd dance with me anyway

and you were damn good at it too

one more laugh

because I said something corny

or something sarcastic

or something funny

and you'd laugh and call me cute

one more 'I love you'

because we only ever said it once

although, we thought it so much more

I've wanted to say that to you for so long

but I can't anymore

one more smile

because your smile, like your eyes, was bright

and your teeth were perfect

except for that one canine tooth

that poked out slightly

but your smile reached your eyes

and you had a cute little dimple

that I loved so very much

one more song

because you loved to sing

and I did too

that's why we sang duets, and made up our own

you hated classic country, but you loved to hear me sing it

so I always sang classic country

you know, I miss you

my darling, my love

and they always say the good die young

and I could blame that

if I wanted to

but it wasn't in your control

I wish I was the one with the cancer sometimes

because I'd try to fight, for you

and maybe then, I'd be the one gone

but I always knew you'd move on

so, maybe it wouldn't be so tough

if you were in my shoes

and I was in yours

because I loved you so very much

so much that I'd die for you to live

so even if I had one more day with you

I'd still be wishing for another.

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