Musical Connection

21 4 4

I was supposed to write a poem for a competition sponsered by our choir program. So, here it is. Yes, I'm aware it needs fixing, I'll make it somewhat better for the finalized thing, but so far so good maybe?


I like my classic country

with its timeless voices

and its endless feeling

she likes her hip hop

and R&B

the kind sang by

"black dudes"

and "white rappers"

with the girls in the background

of every video

and the songs

that make you want to grab somebody

in the club

and he likes that music

that's in-between indie

and pop and maybe alternative

that makes you feel happy

when it's sang to you

over a skype call

even if the voice

ain't perfect

and I like my kind of punk rock

that makes you question society

and the world around you

the kind that gives you

a sort of high

she likes her pop

the one that's on the radio

every day when she drives

the kind that anyone can sing along to

the kind that brightens days

when sang

before school

in the locker room

by a group of choir girls

who gave up to pursue their dreams

(one; medicine
two; cheer
three; boys
four; makeup
five; tumblr
six; country)

he likes this weird kind of music

that I can't physically describe

but some of it's ambient

and some of it's weird

and some of it's cool

it reminds me of dubstep

and reminds me of trap

but I guess I never learned the name of this

"new genre" that's probably only new to me

but the good thing about music is

that no matter how it's different

it's all the same

and everyone finds

something they like

and they'll sing it all the time

something they'll share

to a girl two thousand miles away

something they'll listen to

when they're happy

or sad

or mad

or emotionless

because music

connects us

on a level

deeper than

the beats

and the lyrics

could ever try to.

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