The Devil

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The devil wears cowboy boots

a Man In Black tee shirt

and a necklace

bearing an ancient Persian ruin

from Persepolis

She hides her horns behind a mane of dark brown hair

that turns a caramel brown in the sun

and if you look closely enough, you'll see red

Her eyes were said to be an abyss

of nothingness

but they were full of something

they were full of nothing

and they were said

to hold flames

if you stared into them long enough

She had a Western/ Southern accent

the Southern portion came out only when she needed to charm

someone into doing something for her

She rarely gave anything but her all

because she knew she'd never get anything in return

she'd get everything in return

The devil was said to have long fingers

useful for clasping, choking

yet her nails were always bitten down, wonder why that is?

Could the devil really have anxiety?

And the devil was cold to the rest of the world

using people to her advantage

Her smile was said to have lit up a room

her laugh, lit up people

but little did they know that when they lit up

they'd burn, slowly

So the devil would like to leave you with a question

that can only be found if you read between the lines

Why did the con man ever fall in love with the devil?

And why did she love him back?

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