According To Plan

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I didn't have plans tonight

I thought I might just stay in bed, and read

The Great Gatsby

my first time reading it

and I'm not finished

although I've had it for over a week

because I don't want it to end

so I prolong it

and only read a little every night

So, I would've stayed in bed

and sighed at the way Gatsby looks at Daisy

but no. Plans change. You called

and I haven't talked to you for a while

I haven't been to your place for a while

how's being a slut going for you?

Yes, I know your mother's mad at you

she came over about a month ago

and asked if she could take me out for lunch

so, we got burgers and talked

in that old general store and restaurant

(the one with the cracks in the walls?)

and she told me how you disappointed her

how she never thought her own daughter would turn into a slut

(she also called you a whore, but let's not mention that)

she asked if I was doing well in school

if I was staying out of trouble

if I was in the right place with the Lord

the usual parenting questions

but at the end, she asked me to promise her one thing

and I don't know your mother that well, honestly

she likes me, thinks I'm a good kid

only because she raised a bad kid

so she asked me to promise her one thing

and I did

even though I didn't plan to

because what's a promise from a girl

who doesn't even know your mother's middle name?

What's a promise from a girl

who in a split second, could turn out like you?

But I promised.

This never went to plan.

You were the religious one

high and mighty

(lies. You were a jack Mormon.)

I was the one

that got into fights

and cussed people out

but I, my friend, was the smart one

You were the not-so-smart one

but tonight, you called me up

and asked me if I had plans tonight

I gave my usual, "depends on what you mean by plans"

and you told me that there was a party tonight

and would I like to come?

I haven't been to one of your parties in a long time

what has it been? Three months maybe?

But you said it would be a nice party, so I went

and the good thing is, your mom helps set up the place

so she's specific about no alcohol

which is good, cause you're a drunk

so at least there's no booze out tonight

except the booze previously on people's breaths

so at least I know that I'm safe

and I had to kick a few people out tonight

since I have as much (if not more) power as you

and I had a good time, surprisingly

funny how things didn't go to plan?

But, I'd rather be at home

talking to him

then be here

talking to them

about things I could care less about

and being asked for a "job" outside in the wheat field

I'd rather be home, talking to him

but he's not mine

and nothing ever goes to plan

now does it.

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