"Bug Eyes"

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I saw her walking down the hallway. She scattered in and out of the groups of people like a rat scurries away from death. She paused to look up, she never looked up. She always looked down at the books laid on her palms and swerved through the halls of the hell called high school.

But today, she looked up. And, I looked into her eyes and stared for nothing more than a millisecond. She stared at me with what everyone could only describe as "bug eyes". I wouldn't describe it as such. I'd describe it as that deer in the headlights look. The one full of fear and hope, but mostly just the look of survival.

She reminded me of the Stargirl character in a book I read as a kid. Except there was no star. Only a girl.

A girl just trying to survive in this crazy roller coaster called life.

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