An Apology

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I'm sorry that I don't believe you when you tell me that you love me.

I'm sorry that I don't believe you when you say that I'm the best girl you've ever had.

I'm sorry that I don't believe you when you say that I'm cute and adorable and beautiful.

I'm sorry that I don't believe you whenever you compliment me, or tell me how much you love me, or tell me cute things, or tell me that I mean a lot to you.

I believe it all in my heart, but my mind makes up things, twists your words into evil paragraphs of hate.

"He doesn't love you; he's just telling you that. He's going to get bored of you sooner or later. He's going to leave you."

"You're not the best girl he's ever had. You'll never amount to anything; you're not even as good as his shitty ex-girlfriends."

"Oh honey, you're not beautiful. Anybody who tells you that is lying to you."

But I want to believe it, I really do. I'm just so insecure about myself. I'm not used to being loved. I'm used to loving people and never getting love in return.

So I'm sorry if I ask you to repeat what you say to me. I'm sorry if I appear needy. I'm sorry if I appear insecure. I just need your love; I've lost so much of my own.

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