There are others

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"Sir. We've detected activity 100 miles east on the surface. We sent a drone but it didnt get far. The dust swallowed it before it could reach the coordinates."

"Activity? That's impossible. We have been the only people left since the war broke out."

"It's true sir! We sent another drone with an upgraded shield. You can watch the footage right now!"

The two men stood in the security room and watched the live feed of the drone. One was a tall lanky scientist with short black hair. He had a stern face with narrow pointed eyes. The other was the commander, the ruler. A few inches shorter than the scientist but carried himself as if he was taller. Longer black hair, a silver eyebrow ring and a black lip ring to match. Tattoos ran across his arms. He was undeniably attractive to everyone who saw him.

All you could see was clouds of orange smoke. Just like they figured. It started to crackle as it got closer to the original coordinates. It stopped and failed right as it got within a half mile of the clearing.

"Namjoon. Can you rewind it?"

"Already on it."

The footage rolled backwards. Namjoon paused on a blurry frame of a blonde with a sniper rifle in his arms.

"I want that photo cleaned up. That's impossible."

Namjoon cleaned up the pixels as best as he could. He stared at the screen in disbelief. "Jungkook..."

Jungkook held his hand up to indicate silence. He stared at the man in the screen. Blonde, tall, triple eyelided, mixed, drop dead gorgeous with a fixed gaze in the sight of his rifle. "He shouldnt have been able to see our drone..."

"Commander. He is proof there's more people out there! It isnt just our base!"

"Send another drone."

"Yes sir." Namjoon typed in the coordinates to a third drone. A hatch on the outside opened up for a split second, then closed to let the drone out. They watched the footage of a hundred miles of orange cloud. It got shot down at mile 98 this time.

Jungkook gasped. He stood up straight. This drone was shot earlier than the last one. No one shouldve been able to see it in two miles of dust but the blonde did. "Is my suit ready? I need to meet him."

Namjoon looked to his lab which had the suit hanging against the wall. "It's not ready yet sir."

"How close is it?"

"Close sir."

"Have it ready by tomorrow then. I'll go alone." Jungkook started to walk away.

Namjoon gently tugged his arm out of concern. "What do you plan on doing?"

Jungkook produced a crooked smile. "I just want to meet him of course. With his aim, he's already the best fighter Ive ever seen. I heard about the legend of the Huening men. I'm willing to bet that's Kai and if that is, that means Jade actually succeeded in her project. Im coming for what's mine."

"Wait. Youre telling me they built it? They actually built it before everyone on the surface died?"

"Pull up a photo of Frank Huening and compare the images."

Frank was displayed on the left screen. Kai on the right. They couldnt have looked more alike. He was exactly Jungkook's type. Handsome, tall and dangerous. The commander smiled again. "They survived. Namjoon, meet the future co-leader of the subterranean. The globe and that man is mine."

Subterranean- YeonkaiWhere stories live. Discover now