The white hallway

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The commander and the general entered the cages with Jungkook leading the way. They went up 2 flights of stairs until they came across a completely white hallway. It was like walking into a psych ward only the people inside were sane when they enterred and broken upon release.

Everything was white and everything was bright. Shadows didnt exist in this hallway. The lights also made it unbearably hot. Their long sleeved uniforms felt like blankets against their skin.

Whispers, whistling and mumbling were heard throughout the hallway. The first door Kai walked past, a prisoner whispered "blonde. Green. Color. GIVE ME COLOR!"

Another door contained a prisoner waiting by the window. She grabbed Jungkook and screamed "OUR BABY DIED BECAUSE OF YOU! I STILL HAVE HER! WANT TO SEE HER AGAIN? WANT TO SEE YOUR DEAD CHILD?!"

Kai ripped Jungkook away and grabbed her neck with one hand. He squeezed it tightly. She kept trying to grab Jungkook which only made Kai choke her tighter. Her face turned purple as she lost her breath. Kai coldy said "say hi to your child for me" and then snapped her neck.

The blonde turned to face his 'husband' who only looked impressed. "What child?"

"Never had one."

"Say it again and explain why she's here." Kai could tell he was telling the truth but he needed to hear it again to make sure.

"She's in here because she killed my mother. I made the mistake of sleeping with her. My mom told her she wasnt good enough to be with me. I refused to be with her again. There was never a baby. She lied about being pregnant but I had her personally tested by my friend who confirmed she wasnt. So she killed my mom because she blamed her for the rejection."

Truth. He was telling the truth. "Would your mom have approved of me?"

"Yes. Im sure of it. And if she didn't, it wouldn't have mattered. I want you. I love you. You're my destiny."

The blonde pulled him in for a small kiss. His lips smiled as he felt his love return it.

Jungkook then led Kai past a few more rooms. Kai stopped in front of one of them when he saw a prisoner painting blood on the walls. With his bleeding finger, he wrote "save me" over and over. The wall was filled with that phrase. The prisoner continued to write as blood soaked his forearm. He turned around when he felt like he was being watched. The prisoner began to charge towards him yelling "SAVE ME! SAVE ME! SAVE ME!"

Kai backed up until his back hit another door. He heard a voice whisper behind him "show me the emeralds. I want your emeralds. They would look so pretty where my black diamond once was." Kai turned around to see the prisoner missing an eye. He fell down, tripping over his own feet, trying to move away from the door's window.

Jungkook pulled him away and dragged him to the doors they were searching for.

Kai saw a man about his age, crying to himself in the corner. He looked very skinny from starvation. The man looked up to see who was looking at him. He wiped his eyes and asked "who ARE you?"

"Your general. Starting to see why you're in here now. Who are you?"

"Jisung. Are you here to torture me?"

"No. Just wondering why my soldiers are so poorly trained."

Jisung walked up to the window to get a better look at Kai. "I know who you are. I was hoping youd ask yourself before. I'll ask again. Who ARE you?"

The general stood there in silence. He was confused. There wasn't any threat in the question.

Jisung asked once again. "Do you know who you are? Do you know your eyes aren't naturally green? Don't you wonder why you don't recognize anything in this place? You don't belong here. Jungkook isn't your husband. You were drugged. You belong 100 miles from here in a dome. Go back there and you'll see. I bet he won't take you back out of fear."

He wasn't lying which made Kai even more confused.

Jungkook was lost as well. He had no idea how Jisung knew it all. If he had known, he never would have brought Kai here. His instincts wanted him to kill Jisung but that would only make Kai suspicious. The drug wasn't supposed to wear off until tomorrow. The risk Kai would turn on him was too great. He watched them talk to each other from the side.

The blonde asked "even if that was true, how would you know?"

Jungkook's eyebrow was raised in curiosity. They thought alike.

Jisung answered with an evil smile on his lips. "Jin told me. He knew you'd be down here eventually. He has eyes everywhere." His attention turned to Jungkook. "You think you run this place? Jin has you like a puppet on a string. Want to know what happens when the puppet stops dancing?"

Neither of the visitors to the white hallway spoke.

Jisung started cackling. His laugh made the rest of the prisoners laugh. It echoed, bouced off the walls in a crescendo. "DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS JUNGKOOK?! DO YOU?!"

The laughter built up in volume. It felt deafening in the small capacity of the hallway.


Jisung continued to laugh. Kai looked at Jungkook and saw fear. It was too much for him to handle. His neck snapped back over to the prisoner who was still laughing at his husband.

Kai opened the door and started to beat him senseless. Blood splattered all over himself and the walls. Jisung kept laughing until he physically couldnt anymore.

All Kai felt was murderous rage as he continued to beat the prisoner's face in until it no longer resembled a human.

Once the laughter stopped, he stopped. He took a second to look at what he had just done. His uniform was painted like a Jackson Pollock. His arms up to his eblows were dripping with blood. The tip of his right boot was half black half red.

He didn't care that Jungkook drugged him. That was the power of the drug. All he cared about was protecting his 'husband's life. Jisung was telling the truth but who the fuck cares? His life here was good and Jungkook made it that way.

Kai turned around to see what the other's reaction was.

Jungkook recreated what happened in his uncle's cell. More white was added to the floor, the walls and their bodies.

His general had a twisted side that he so graciously exploited. Violence seemed to run in the Huening bloodline. Kai only needed a little help unlocking it.

When they finished, Jungkook wiped the blood off of Kai's lips with his thumb. With a red stained smile he asked, "want to go visit the dome? There's a little serum I need to steal."

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