Found the network

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Yeonjun raced out of the field when Amaris called saying they were close to locating the network.

The field team was able to map out the entire border of the city. The deepest parts measured 2 miles down. No entrance had been found and was never going to be found without outside help.

Their next goal was mapping out where the buildings were and the pipelines. That would give them an idea of which buildings were which. Something they could do for a few hours without him.

Yeonjun paced back and fourth watching the Kangs and a team of interns type away. He played with the ring, twirling it around his finger to kill off some anxiety.

"We're in!" shouted Amaris. The group cheered then continued to type away. Yeonjun stood behind Amaris's shoulder to watch what he was doing. The scientist explained "we're into the main network. Thats the start. Now the team is going to dig through anything they can find on Jin."

Taehyun shouted "he's the govenor of the subterranean! He has 2 different computers registered in his name. Sending their I.P addresses to you all now. Im going to try to get into the first one. Dad, you do the second. The rest of you, find files, any files on Jin, Kai and Jungkook."

The team continued to type away as Yeonjun paced back and fourth. The drowning noise of clicking keys was killing him.

Amaris typed away and realized the firewall to the computer was just as strong as the one to get into the main network. Taehyun was realizing the same thing. At least they knew how to get in now. They started to run through all of their code combinations.

An intern pulled Yeonjun over to his computer and brought up the news on the recent killings. Jungkook's uncle? Dead. Two high level security prisoners? Dead. And then he found the news of Jin. Dead.

Yeonjun shouted "Jin is dead!" The photo of him depicted a large burned hole through his chest. Kai undoubtedly did it. "What did you need from him Kai? What did Jungkook need?"

Taehyun and Amaris continued to work on Jin's computers. There had to be something in there worth killing over for Jungkook.

Another intern found a video of the blonde walking through the Vegas inspired street. He went viral over his looks. The comments called him an angel in hell. Others said he looked like a greek statue.

A different news outlet showed footage of Jungkook and Kai walking out of the lab, once again going viral for their looks. They were called the perfect couple. Yeonjun saw the ring on Jungkook's finger and almost broke the computer out of anger.

"Dad I'm in!"

Yeonjun rushed over to Taehyun's computer as Amaris continued to type away on his. "What did you find?"

"Nothing substantial yet. Im looking for things directly related to Kai."

Amaris announced he was in and that he was going to find files related to Jungkook.

An intern tapped Yeonjun on the shoulder and said "I found a video on Kai that I think you need to see."

They watched footage of Kai and Jungkook doing the 13,000 test, surrounded by a ring of soldiers. The video was placed on 5x speed. Yeonjun watched how pathetically the ring of soldiers handled the test. Jungkook however, did almost as well as himself.

That also pissed him off. "Jungkook should not be doing that well. He should not be doing that well!"

"But sir, look. He's the only good one. The others suck! Our army would kick their ass!"

"Yeah. But Kai would kick ours."

The mood in the room dampened as the scientists continued to type away.

Taehyun exclaimed "I found a file on Kai!"

Yeonjun rushed over. It was a detailed list of all of Kai's kills along with video footage. Taehyun closed it out when they started to have sex in the uncle's cell. "Yeonjun... that isn't Kai. He would never. It's the drug."

"I know..." It hurt to see. It hurt seeing what he already knew was happening. The complete lust in Jungkook's eyes when he first saw Kai, told him everything he needed to know. He didnt blame Kai one bit. If anything, it was further motivation to be the one to kill Jungkook.

Taehyun pulled up another file. It predicted how this was going to go. Yeonjun's eyes darted over a particular sentence. "THEYRE MAKING A PERMANENT FORMULA?!"


The draft let them know Jin knew all about the antidote. It predicted they would get it into Kai and it would be Jungkook's undoing. Taehyun was about to click out of the files when Yeonjun saw something else. "Wait! Scroll up! Please!"

Taehyun continued to scroll until Yeonjun told him to stop. "KAI ASKED TO BE DRUGGED?! WHY WOULD MY HUSBAND ASK TO BE DRUGGED TAEHYUN?!


Everyone began to type faster as Taehyun stared Yeonjun down. The interim general dropped his pride and began to think. Really think about it.

Taehyun patiently waited.

Yeonjun got it. "He's trying to memorize something. Jungkook's guard probably drops when he's drugged. You said he remembers everything when it wears off right?"


"He needs to find something."

"He's not trying to kill Jungkook?"

"No. At least not before he gets the thing he needs." Yeonjun found more hope and a renewed faith in Kai. "He's in a city he doesn't recognize. He needs codes and to memorize the layout if he wanted to leave. There's footage of him being out with Jungkook. That means he can memorize the layout on his own."

"Im so happy he isn't being kept in a cell!"

"Me too. It's codes Taehyun. He's trying to memorize codes or coordinates."

Amaris joined in "or both. You guys might want to see this." The two joined behind Amaris's chair to look at the computer. "He knew he was going to die. There's only one file left. You can read it. I already did."

It was a letter to them criticizing how slow they were at finding the network. He couldnt reach out to them without Jungkook knowing about it so he kept tabs on everything the younger was doing.

It stated that Jungkook was actively keeping up on the snow globe's network while Kai slept. He knows about the antidote and he knows their army would lose a war without Kai.

The last thing in the letter stated that the antidote was their only hope for winning. He also stated that he had no idea what Kai was up to and Jungkook didnt know either.

Yeonjun was so happy. "Even when drugged, my baby still finds a way to be a complete mystery. But I figured him out." He started giggling. "I understand Kai better than anyone and I cant wait to watch my angel kill the devil in the ground."

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