Tattoo on his finger

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Kai was getting very impatient. Its been a month and he still hasnt seen the lab again. His routine was mirroring his real one back home. Jungkook even let him be alone for several hours while they worked. He went to meetings, they went to meetings, he attended trainings, they attended trainings. Same old same old. Still no lab visits though.

Jungkook wasnt trying to keep him away from the lab on purpose. His priority was simply getting his army trained. For all he knew, Kai was oblivious to the new drug. Didnt matter anyway since Namjoom said they were still several months out. Complicated drugs were never quick processes.

Their free time was spent getting to know each other on a genuine level. They found they were both actually pretty introverted.

Both had an affinity, a sort of genius you could say, for music. Both were tired of being called cute so they completely changed their look when they got older. Both were incredible dancers but would never brag about it. Both were popular but often felt alone amongst the crowd that was always around them. Both were drafted at young ages. Both only had older friends. Both were good at everything they tried yet were terrible at games. And both would rather stay home than go out so that's what they did. They watched a lot of movies, a lot of TV and a lot of youtube.

Jungkook only fell harder for the blonde every day he was around him. It hurt because he fucking knew that if he had only stolen the code earlier, Kai couldve been his.

One night they were talking about the meaning of Jungkook's tattoos which led to him trying to convince Kai to get one. He suggested "JKai" which the blonde called stupid. Jungkook took a pen and doodled that on his palm with a heart around it. Kai snatched the pen and started drawing his own tattoos in Jungkook's body.

They wrestled for the pen and Kai ended up pinning him to the ground with the pen in his hand. Jungkook tucked his blonde strands behind his ear and started to sit up. Kai remained on his lap when he was fully upright. "I love you Kai. I really do."

The blonde didnt say anything. Jungkook pulled his angel's left hand up and slowly removed the green ring. "I'll put it back, I just...want to draw something."

Kai let him. The ring got gently placed onto his lap as the raven hair started to doodle in the blank space. He drew a ring of roses with a bunch of hearts on it. One of the roses snaked up to his knuckle. The blonde had to admit it was really pretty. He asked "why roses?"

"Only complicated flower I can draw from memory. Theyre pretty. I felt like you deserved a tattoo that was pretty too."

Jungkook put the ring back on. You could see the flower bud up from the green and Kai understood the symbolism a little better now. The raven hair saw the realization in his eyes. "You get it now?"

"First love grew a new one. What once was now is. Something like that?"

"I know you love me. You try to deny it but it's there. I see it every day."

Before Kai could protest, again, Jungkook kissed him. Kai melted into it. He pulled away quickly because he was scared. Jungkook saw it, he felt the difference in this kiss than the others. "Kai..." he ran his thumb over the blonde's cheek, trying to find his eyes. "Kai talk to me. Please."

Seeing Jungkook genuinely love him made him even more confused. He missed Yeonjun so much. Jungkook only filled in the blank. He was torn between wanting the hole there and feeling like he was whole. He was so tired of being depressed all the fucking time. He had been underground for over a month and during that time, Jungkook really did make him happy. No drugs, no torture, he gave him complete freedom to do whatever and go wherever.

Jungkook pleaded again "baby please talk to me."

Kai didnt say anything. He cupped the back of Jungkook's neck and pulled him closer until their lips met. Guilt racked his brain but the depression was temporarily gone as they undressed each other. Jungkook was now his new drug.

Each piece of cloth that was thrown onto the floor, made him feel worse and worse. His brain wanted him to stop but his body didnt. His hands ran around Jungkook's waist to pull him closer to his own. It felt so wrong but so fucking right.

He let the commander rail him while he laid there and took it. All the guilt, all the absolute pleasure he was feeling was being clawed onto Jungkook's back. Pink lines were turning to red the faster his drug worked his body.

The pain only turned the raven hair on more. His blonde was a moaning mess underneath him. He slowed down to take the time to leave a large mark on the left side of Kai's neck. He whispered unholy things into his ear as he licked the base of it. Kai was shaking beneath him as their tounges met. He lightly bit his lip as Jungkook's pace picked back up.

After the commander finished in his blonde, he pulled out to suck Kai off. Sweet and salty cream poured down the back of his throat as he gagged. His tounge met the blonde's to give him a taste of what was still lingering in his mouth.

Jungkook pulled away to allow each other to breathe. He brushed the blonde strands off of his angel's forehead and once again said "I love you Kai."

The blonde still didnt speak but those blazing ambers said it all. Jungkook kissed him one last time before falling asleep on his chest.

Kai let a few tears fall as he closed his eyes. The pleasure was gone and only guilt remained. Tomorrow he had to go to the lab.

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