Back underground

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Kai and Yeonjun were standing outside in the cleared circle. This past week, Yeonjun seriously made sure not to leave his husband's side and if he did, he would text him constantly.

That week flew by. It was pure bliss for Kai. They had sex. A lot of sex. Yeonjun wanted to show Kai what he was missing for several months.

They also attended more meetings together. A whole new set of laws had to be drafted for war. Before, war wasnt a possibility. Now it seemed like it was the only one.

Hobi and Jake were working hard to train everyone to peak condition. They did an accelerated version of the trials and let in 50% more people so they could increase their army. Kai and Yeonjun spent some time with them to help improve their aim and stamina. Jake taught them how to fight. Hobi taught them battle strategies.

The bed that felt so cold to Yeonjun, was now his favorite spot in the world with his husband by his side. Just holding him again, let alone doing anything else, was pure bliss.

Bliss that was about to come to an end as he once again, tried to talk Kai out of it.

Kai's mind was very made up as he stared into those beautiful eyes that he fell in love with. As Yeonjun continued to rant, he pulled them into a tight hug to say goodbye.

Taehyun ran up behind him and squeezed his waist. "Be safe okay? Youre my best friend... you really mean the world to me Kai."

Soobin found one of Kai's sides exposed so he squeezed himself in to hug his best friend.

Kai was enveloped in a suffocating hug that he never wanted to leave. He took one last moment to appreciate the people around him. Every single one of them was worth dying for. He knew he was doing the right thing.

He began to pull away from the group and climbed onto his bike. Yeonjun tried to stop him but Taehyun held him back. "Baby please..."

Kai turned around. "Im going Yeonjun. I love you. So fucking much."

Yeonjun ran up to kiss his husband. "Live. Dont do it for me. Dont do it for any of us. Do it for yourself."

"Im doing it for you baby. Im doing it for all of you." Kai kissed his husband one last time before he had to go.

Yeonjun dropped to his knees as he watched the bike disappear into the dust.

Kai sped off as fast as he could. He thought about that kiss Yeonjun left him and how he wouldnt feel it for an unknown length of time. It hurt. It mostly hurt knowing Jungkook might not let his guard down unless he pretended to be his again. Jungkook would use it to his advantage. It would be the perfect blackmail. The general was going to do his damnest to avoid that.

Bangchan let Jungkook know that Kai was coming.

He rushed out of his office and waited in the lab's garage. The hatch opened and his favorite person in the world came down with the platform. He looked in those ambers and teased "I knew youd come back."

Kai took his stealth suit off and parked his bike. "You knew I had to."

Jungkook grabbed his hands and pulled the blonde closer to him. "Sure you had to. But you also wanted to." He kissed him. Kai lips were stiff. He wanted snap the commander's neck as he cupped his hand around the back of it. Instead he relaxed and sunk into it.

To his satisfaction, Jungkook pulled away. They walked to the trolley then went back to the condo. Kai asked "how are you feeling? I can see youre able to walk again."

"I've missed you. My place didnt feel the same without you."

Kai could tell he was being sincere but he didnt respond.

Jungkook looked over to see Kai staring at him. "Can I ask you something? And please, save the sarcasm."


"If I had met you before Yeonjun, do you think we couldve been... real?"


"What does that legendary instinct tell you?"

Kai looked out the window. "Yes."

Jungkook smiled to the ground.

Kai was quick to say "but you kidnapped me and drugged me for months. You tried to kill my actual husband and you killed one of my best friends."

"Sure. Ignore all the stuff you did."

Kai looked over to meet his eyes again. "I was drugged."

"You had freedom over your own choices. You killed 3 people. None of whom were on death row. You actually asked me to drug you. I embrace the darker side that you have but refuse to let surface." Jungkook sat on Kai's lap with his legs around his waist and arms around his neck. "Doesnt it feel so good when you let yourself truly be you?"

The trolley arrived at the condo. Jungkook got off and walked towards the door. Kai followed behind, hanging his head down in guilt.

"Remember the code to get in?"

The blonde searched through his memory map and typed in the code. They went inside and it looked just as Kai remembered it. His toothbrush was even in the same place as he last left it.
"Can we order some food? I just want to stay in and watch TV today. What kind of stuff even plays on here?"

"How does pizza sound?"

"Can we get the cake too?"

Jungkook tossed him the TV remote as he smiled. "Sure baby."

Kai flipped through the programs until he saw an anime he's never seen before. There was a vampire and a blonde girl. It drew him in. He got so lost in the show, he didnt even notice Jungkook return with the food until he smelled it.

The blonde opened the pizza and box and grinned.

Jungkook softly laughed at the reaction. "Hawaiian pizza. I know how much you love it. I also got us an entire cake to share over the time youre here. The baker assured me it would be good in the fridge for a week or several months in the freezer. Which one should I put it in?"

Kai bit off a large piece of pizza. "The freezer."

The commander couldnt keep the happiness off of his face as he portioned a large slice for them to share. The rest of the cake got covered and placed into the freezer.

They shared the pizza and got sucked into the entertainment of the anime. Jungkook fed Kai and himself cake once the pizza was gone. There was frosting on the corner of the blonde's lips as those ambers darted across the lights of the TV.

In a daring move, he licked it off. Kai just stared into his eyes. He saw fear. For a moment, he actually felt bad for him.

Jungkook slowly leaned in to kiss him again. Kai froze as he felt those lips on his. Jungkook pulled away in defeat. He stood up to walk away but Kai pulled him back down. "Stay with me."

He sat back down next to him. "Why? You dont even want to be here."

"You were right before."

Jungkook almost whispered "about what?"

"I had some... freedom... over my choices." Kai kissed him before he could say anything else. He couldnt have Jungkook avoid him while was there. He had to know what drug they were planning next and Namjoon would never say without his commander's permission. It killed him but it was an undercover job. He had to.

Kai pulled away to watch Jungkook's reaction. Awe and genuine love. They spent the rest of the night watching that anime show and fell asleep on the couch.

When the commander woke up, Jungkook kissed his blonde until he woke up with him. "Hey angel."

"Hey. So what are we doing today?"

"Want to see what Ive been working on in the week youve been gone?"


Jungkook pulled him to his feet. They washed their faces, brushed their teeth and got dressed in their military uniforms.

Kai called the trolley and asked "where to?"

"The honored base. I think you'll find this impressive."

Subterranean- YeonkaiUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum