Advanced adrenaline

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As they were getting dressed, Kai asked if they could visit the lab.

"Sure. Why though?"

"We used to go all the time. Its just weird we havent and Ive been down here for a while now."

"We can go after we eat. Im craving an eggs benedict with avocado."

"Shit that sounds amazing right now."

Jungkook tossed Kai some clothes he picked out. Much like Yeonjun, he was tired of the blonde's casual outfits. Casual was fine except Kai only seemed to wear the same three hoodies and the same 2 sweatpants when he wasnt in uniform. He literally had a dream closet to choose from and that's what he decides?

Kai put on the light blue button down, the dark gray fitted dress pants and the dark gray loafers. "Blue and gray? Really?"

Jungkook shot back "I like it!"

Kai laughed. He was handed a diamond stud for one ear and a diamond cross for the other ear. Jungkook took some gel to style his hair upwards so his forehead was exposed. It was one of his favorite styles on his angel. The commander chose the exact same outfit except his button down was black instead of light blue. The earrings were also worn on the opposite ears.

Jungkook called the trolley and they took off towards Plaza Mayor. It was directly ripped off of the one in Spain except the restaurants that lined the square were more diverse. Their favorite fancy breakfast restaurant was in this square. The middle of the square often hosted various street performers and other randomly scheduled events. There was always something new going on.

Usually you needed a reservation to get into Danielle Laurent but Jungkook had long decided his face was enough to get him anywhere at any time. Being with Kai only strengthened that notion. Those two were the most famous people in the city. It was almost an honor to see them outside of a goverment building.

The hostest saw the 'couple' walk towards them and began to panic. She scrambled to get two menus and Kai watched her page the kitchen staff to let them know they were here. Kai looked at his commander and they started giggling to each other. They whispered about who they thought was getting kicked off the reservation list so they could sit instead. Probably a low level actor or an assistant to a government employee. Jungkook bet it was an assistant. Kai bet the actor.

An actor with his date showed up to the restaurant and they watched the argument ensue. Jungkook silently gave Kai $100 as they laughed in the corner. He felt bad but all they did was show up. They didn't do anything wrong.

Their breakfast was the eggs benedict, ridiculously expensive sparkling orange juice and cucumber mint water. It was delicious. They split a slice of a blueberry fruit tart to finish off the meal. Blueberry juice dripped from the corner of Kai's mouth and Jungkook found himself wanting to kick it off. Kai noticed so he seductively licked it himself.

On the trolley over, the commander wasted no time shoving his tounge into the blonde's mouth. They made out until they reached the lab. There was a fresh bite mark on the back of Kai's neck which Namjoon pretended not to notice. "Haven't seen you two in a while."

Kai awkwardly waved as he noticed Namjoon's eyes trail off to his neck. Jungkook directed their attention to the scientist's desk. "Tell him."

Namjoon looked between the two. "Really?"

"He was going to find out eventually."

The scientist gave him an are-you-sure look but Jungkook only nodded. There was a large stack of paper files. Namjoon carefully pulled out the bottom one and handed it to Kai.

The blonde read through it. Pure advanced adrenaline. It would make the weakest soldiers a challenge. He couldnt even begin to wrap his head around what that would possibly do to him. The most shocking part was it was going to be a pill. Not a serum. If successful, they could make thousands. It would cheaper and easier to transport than vials of serums. Now Kai was actually nervous about a war. "How do I fit into this?"

Namjoon looked to Jungkook again. The commander only said "tell him."

"We want to test it on you first."


"Youre... advanced Kai. You can do things that you shouldn't be able to."

Kai demanded "get to the point."

"We want to see how far the limits of the human race can be pushed. You'd be the world's first superhuman on this stuff."

"And if it doesn't work and I die, that'll also help you."

Jungkook grew furious. "Im not going to let you die. I'll take it with you if you want proof of that."

Namjoon interjected "doesnt matter. We're months to a year out."

Kai ignored him and focused his attention to Jungkook. "So your plan was to drug me again and hope I die? That way when you take it, it'll be perfect?"

"Look into my eyes." Kai obeyed as Jungkook stepped closer. "No. It's simply to see if we can advance evolution. Create a team of superhumans with you at the front. I'll take it with you at the same time if you dont believe me. Every single dose."

Namjoon coughed and tried making his point again. "Months to a year guys. Maybe more than a year if it really fucks up in the replicating process."

Kai saw truth in Jungkook's eyes. "You'll take it with me?"

"Every single dose."

"Thank you Namjoon. We need to get to some meetings now."

They took off towards the main military base to listen to a defense proposal. Only thing Kai could pay attention to was him finding his opening. If he could contact the globe without Jungkook knowing, he could ask the Kangs for help in his plan.

Jungkook agreed to take the drug with him. If he could figure out a way to poison it, the commander would die and it wouldnt appear to be his fault. Their cities wouldnt have to go to war and Kai would unite them under his rule.

It was the perfect plan to get exactly what he wanted. He just had no idea how to enact it.

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