Creation of the subterranean

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Jungkook heard the story growing up from his mother who heard it from her grandmother.

Jade Wu didnt come up with the basics of the globe herself. It was originally designed with Jungkook's grandmother, Ruby Jeon.

Ruby told her friend, Jade, that the idea of a globe was a lost cause. The air and the environment would be inhabitable by the time it was created.

Unable to convince her otherwise, she started her own sanctuary underground. It was like the video game fallout. The wealthy who didnt believe in the globe, found hope in the ground. Funds began pouring in by the billions. Ruby's city was twice the size of Jades'. Population was roughly the same though.

The more the construction on the projects progressed, the greater the resentment the women had towards each other. They wanted to prove one another wrong.

The subterranean started a mile below the surface. Some parts were 2 miles below. It looked like an upside down city. The wealthy were further down while the poor were closer to the surface.

Like the snow globe, they ran on nuclear generators. Waste was strictly sorted. Everything was made out of recyclable metals or biodegradable materials. Pipes and electrical lines centered towards the surface and made their way down like roots from a tree. Seweage was converted to fertilizer for their greenhouses. Animals didnt exist down here either.

The technology however, was just as good. Namjoon was comparable to Amaris. Jin was comparable to Soobin. Bangchan was Jungkook's second in command.

No one in the underground was more dangerous than Jungkook Jeon but he long guessed there was someone better out there. He found him in Kai. The blonde who made sniper shots that he would struggle with even without the dust.

His curiosity molded into lust. He never took a partner because no one in the subterranean was good enough for him. Turns out he was just looking in the wrong place. He didnt care what it took to be with Kai. He wanted him like a spoiled child. If he couldnt have him, his temper tantrum would throw their worlds into another war.

Namjoon had his own special formula. Call it a love serum comparable to Amaris's truth serum. It messed with the seratonin levels in the brain and recreated feelings of love with the first person they saw. The serum was too strong. So strong that person was the only one they remembered until the drug wore off. The recipient wouldnt even remember their own name. Just that theyre in love and would do anything to make their lover happy.

It wasnt ready but Jungkook didnt care. He was going to take a vial in the morning as a backup. Kai had to go with him one way or another. The blonde's beauty was angelic. He had to see how far the angel could fall. Kai was going to fall so far down that even God couldnt save him and Jungkook couldnt wait to watch.

Subterranean- YeonkaiWhere stories live. Discover now