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Soobin and Yeonjun were arguing in the govenor's office over Yeonjun going back to work.

"How the hell can you prepare defenses without the leading member of the defense council! No! Scratch that. How can you do it without the interim general?!"

Steven left the room. This argument had been going on for a half an hour. He had much more important things to do than listen to this.

Soobin pleaded "this is for your own good! You're mind isn't fit enough to go back to work! I told you to go see a therapist! Did you even contact the company I gave you!?"

"NOPE. Went straight into the trash!"


They kept arguing again. It went around in an seemingly endless circle. They would start with Soobin encouraging Yeonjun to go to therapy to Yeonjun telling him he didnt need it to Soobin insisting he wasnt fit to work to Yeonjun boasting about his status back to Soobin suggesting therapy again.

At Steven's pleading, Beomgyu and Taehyun walked into the govenor's office to find them arguing still. Taehyun rolled his eyes and walked away. He cant believe he lost 30 minutes of field research for this.

Beomgyu went to leave too but he didnt walk out in time. They stopped him in the doorway and told him to pick a side.

"Both of you are being fucking ridiculous right now!"

Soobin yelled "I am your boyfriend! Im just trying to make sure he's cleared to go back to work! How is that ridiculous?!"

Yeonjun argued "and Im his best friend! Beomgyu if Soobin went missing, you'd stop at nothing to help get him back right? Let me help get my husband back!"

Beomgyu hated to admit it but Yeonjun was right. If he was in his place, there wouldnt be anything that would keep him from finding Soobin. He turned to face his boyfriend and braced himself for the argument about to follow. "I want Yeonjun back on the council. He's right. We can better protect the city if he is on it."

Soobin argued "Beomgyu are you fucking serious right now!?"

Yeonjun didnt let Beomgyu say anything else. He ran home, hopped on his bike and drove to the house to get his uniform.

Once it was on, he went to his office and began to work. The adrenaline had him typing and writing faster than ever. He made one phone call after another with various soliders under his direction.

There was about a week's worth of work to catch up on. Yeonjun was not going to leave his office until that happened.

While he was in the middle of reviewing the proposed weapon ideas, he remembered how damaged Kai's knife was from being in the dust. The blades were recoverable but too much dust got into the base for it to be useful anymore.

Kai loved that knife. He knew it would be a lot to ask of Amaris but he figured maybe the scientist needed a mental break from formulas.

First, he had to find the file of the knife's design. After a couple of minutes typing away into his computer, he was unable to find it. It didnt make sense. No one would be dumb enough to delete that. He certainly didnt. He picked up the phone to call the intern who found the tower.

The intern answered "Yeonjun? I didnt expect to see you calling."

"Yeah they let me go back to work. Anyways, I need a favor."

"What is it?"

"Can you find the file on the construction of Kai's knife? I've been looking for the past 10 minutes and I swear it's gone."

"Sure let me call you back."

Yeonjun did some more weapons reviewing while he waited. All of the proposed designs were good but either too expensive or not realistically feasable. The undergrad team who gave the proposals thought too much of the cosmetics than the purpose.

The phone rang. Yeonjun quickly answered it. "Did you find it?"

"Sir its gone."

"Its gone?! Who stole it?!"

"I dont know. An unknown IP address wiped it off of our servers. It came from the same tower that Jungkook used to get into our network only the device isnt the same."

"How can you not trace it back?! How can you not find the network?!"

The intern pleaded "sir please! Whoever designed the firewalls of this thing was a god damn genius. Only Ruby Jeon couldve designed something this complicated!"

Yeonjun swears he heard the last name before. "Did you say Jeon?"

"Yes sir. Ruby Jeon. Legendary I.T genius? She wrote the code to-"

"Yeah yeah whatever. Pull up her descendants. Now."

The intern typed away until he found her last known heir. "Oh my god. Jungkook Jeon is her grandson. That explains why we cant trace him."




"Yes sir. Right away sir."

"Do.. do you think Jungkook stole it sir?"

"No. That wouldve taken too much time. Time that couldve been spent with Kai. He probably told someone to."

"I'll gather a team to upgrade our cyber defenses sir. My other team is going to continue to locate the network."

Yeonjun slammed the phone down on the desk after he hung up. It cracked the phone case but he didnt care.

Jungkook didnt want an alliance. He wanted to conquor and if Kai fought by his side, the globe would be doomed. His marriage would be over and there was a possibility he would have to kill the best thing that ever happened to him to save his friends.

They had to find the entrance and they had to figure out how to find their server.

All of the leaders in the globe were clinging onto the hope of Kai saving himself. It was their best shot because the rest seemed impossible.

Amaris didnt make nearly as much progress as he thought he would by now. Nothing seemed to be working. No mixture he tried seemed to counteract the effects of the green serum.

Kai and Jungkook together would destroy their army. The antidote was the best defense they had. It would make Kai fight Jungkook which he would win. The leader of the subterranean would be dead and their worlds would be united.

Amaris took a second to relax, to clear his mind. Thats when the intern called him to tell him what he discovered with Yeonjun. He called his son from the field and told him to help transfer all of their files to a series of hard drives. Once everything was transferred, they would burn it all from their papers to their servers.

The govenor budgeted more money to build the cyber team. Hacking into the unknown network was now a priority. It was their best and only chance to see what the subterranean was planning.

Another portion of funds was dedicated to building a bigger defense team. New shield upgrades to the ceiling, new types of bombs, new traps and most importantly, a supply of empty darts ready to fire the antidote into Kai.

Amaris was offered more help but he insisted the team he had was perfect. They understood how he worked. Anyone else would just mess it up.

The entire globe was on edge thanks to Jungkook and he savored every second of it.

Subterranean- YeonkaiHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin