Fight for your life

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Jungkook pulled the trigger but Yeonjun moved out of the way before he did. The bullet went into the floor, barely missing Kai's head.

Yeonjun tackled him to the ground and began to hit him as hard as he could. He broke the other's lip and blood started dripping into his smile. Jungkook kneed him in the stomach and pushed him off with his leg. He stood up and fired another shot.

Yeonjun again, moved in time. The bullet hit Kai's arm. He still didnt move as it began to bleed out. "YOU SHOT HIM! YOU FUCKING SHOT HIM!" The Choi grabbed a piece of broken floor tile and launched it at Jungkook.

It cracked the window behind him as he dodged out of the way. "YOU KILLED HIM! ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS SIGN THE PAPERS!"

Yeonjun grabbed the knife from Kai's pocket. The blades wouldnt come out since it only responded to Kai's active print. Jungkook used the opportunity to shoot again. Yeonjun's right shoulder was grazed by the bullet. He started to bleed as he threw the handle of the blade at Jungkook's trigger hand.

The gun dropped as well as the blade. Jungkook ran towards the gun but Yeonjun pulled him back. Jungkook head butted him as hard as he could and broke his nose. The Choi began to put him in a headlock and choke him out.

Jungkook backed them into the wall with as much force as he could. The impact made the back of Yeonjun's head bleed. The grip on the commander's neck remained as his head was pounding from the impact.

In a desperate attempt to regain his breath, Jungkook elbowed Yeonjun's stomach. The grip on his neck loosened and he stumbled out towards Kai. He picked up the gun from the ground and fired. Nothing came out.

Yeonjun started laughing "out of bullets I see."

Jungkook tossed it to the side. "Yeah. I used most of them on your friend. What was his name again? Beomgyu?"

His heart stopped. "You didnt."

Jungkook took a heavy step forward. "How do you think I got here?"




Jungkook mocked "want to know what he said to me the last time we had sex?"

Yeonjun took a step forward with a balled first, ready to kill. "Shut the fuck up."

"He was screaming my name. Want to know what he did to me? What I did to him?"


"Want to know how Beomgyu looked in his last moments? You abandoned him Yeonjun. And now he's dead. Just like you killed Kai. Youre a killer. Everyone you associate with dies. Didnt your brother die too? Wasnt that also your fault?"

Yeonjun dropped to his knees out of depression. He was ready to die. He lost everyone he cared about. He took one last look at the blonde, the love of his life, his only reason for living, dead on the ground. He whispered "I love you Kai. I'll be with you soon."

Jungkook grabbed a piece of glass from the floor and knelt in front of him. He pressed it to the Choi's throat and watched the piercing mark start to bleed.

Yeonjun felt the stinging pain of the glass against his throat. The blood dripping down his chest was warm. He stared at Kai with tears streaming down his cheeks. "I love you... Im so sorry... I hope youre waiting for me at that white house in the field. I'll be there soon okay?"

Kai's eyes suddenly popped open. Those ambers came blazing to life as he took a deep breath inwards. Jungkook turned around in disbelief. He ran to Kai's side. "Baby! Baby are you okay?!"

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