Commander Jungkook

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Jungkook was admiring himself in the mirror. The black stealth suit fit perfectly. It hugged his body without feeling suffocating.

Namjoon quietly drummed his fingers on his desk, waiting for the younger to say something. He was praying it met his expectations. The commander's reactions were always unpredictable, often explosive if things weren't his definition of perfect. " you like it sir?"

"I do. Does it glow? Id like to add a glowing feature."

"Sir... it's a stealth suit."

Jungkook looked back at the scientist with murder in his eyes. Namjoon retreated his stance into a defensive position. "I want Kai to know Im coming. If he thinks Im trying to sneak up on the globe, I'll be shot before I can see the damn thing. Add it."

"Yes sir. Right away sir. What color would you like your glow?"

"Blue is the opposite of orange on the color wheel yes? I'd like stripes along the sides to glow neon blue."

"It'll be done sir."

Jungkook stripped himself of the suit and handed it back to the scientist. "I'll be leaving in 4 hours. Will it be done by then?"

"It'll be done sir."

Jungkook left without another word. When the scientist wasnt looking, he took a small vial of the love formula and slipped it into his jean pocket. That was only to be used as a last resort. He was sure Kai would want to see the city, that he would come willingly. Why wouldnt he?

The biggest problem he faced was getting him to leave without Yeonjun. His plan was to promise Kai would only be gone for a day. What he would leave out, was that he would be under the influence of a drug upon return. Yeonjun had to see that his husband left him to lessen the chance he would go after them.

This was going to work. It had to. The alternative was war. Jungkook and Kai would end up fighting each other which would result in one of them dying. The commander wasnt ready to die and he refused to kill the person he had been searching his entire life for. What was worse was knowing Kai would not hesitate to kill him if given the chance.

He whistled 3 different notes when he stepped out of Namjoon's lab. A luxury private trolley could be heared flying down the tunnels from a distance.

The technology was ripped off of China's magnetic high speed lightrails with dramatic improvements. They went faster and completely floated. Their magnets had 3 different fail safes to ensure the cars never dropped. Most people in the city took the public train. The upper middle class had the nicer cars in the train and the most important people had their own cars entirely. Their private cars came on their schedule and went wherever they wanted. A luxury commoners didnt have.

His luxury car had a small golden chandelier hanging from the ceiling with a white crystal sconces in each corner. A crystal coffee table sat in the center with golden edging and gold legs stemming from the center. An ivory leather couch lay behind it with 2 ivory chairs on either side to match. A small silver fridge lay in the corner, always stocked with his favorite drinks. The last thing in the room was a small green and white marbled desk against the back wall. The legs and trimming of the desk were gold. A slim but tall ivory leather chair sat in front of it.

Jungkook practiced the script in his head on the way back to the base.

Lying was a specialty of his. He always did it flawlessly. His research showed Kai was a human lie detector. If they could follow the script, that he so meticulously planned out, he had a good chance of pulling this off.

Bangchan took a deep bow upon his arrival. It made him look a lot shorter than the 5' 7" man already was. Jungkook was the only person who could tease him about it. His strength in his stature was decieving and his intelligence matched. "Good morning sir. Was the suit to your expectations?"

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