Everyone has a plan

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Jungkook couldnt sleep like he usually could when Kai did. The blonde was still passed out from the huge physical toll the new drug took on his body. His mind raced through the ways he could kill Yeonjun and not have his 'husband' find out.

There was straight up going there to kill him but he had no way of getting into the dome without Kai.

He could send a messenger asking to meet with Yeonjun outside the circle but the messenger would be imprisoned.

Maybe he could hope Yeonjun was in the field one day and kill him before anyone found out. The dust would destroy his remains. The odds of recovering Yeonjun's dead body before it was eaten away were pretty low too. But he had no way of knowing when Yeonjun would leave the globe. The man didnt exactly live by a schedule since Kai had been gone. He kind of just did what he wanted according to Jungkook's extensive research.

That seemed to be the best option if he could find a way to lure him out. Challenge him to a fight? But what if he lost? Kai wouldnt be able to find him and that was too great of a risk to his life. Yeonjun had to be a good fighter if he was second in command. Kai wasnt exactly the type to promote people simply due to relation.

Kai was the best bait. Maybe if he saw Yeonjun about to kill him, Kai would do it for him. He would kill his own husband. It was perfect.

Jungkook suddenly remembered the threat that Namjoon made about Kai potentially killing himself. He thought of the possibility of the blonde being so torn on who to save, that he ends up committing suicide.

All he knew for sure was Kai and Yeonjun couldn't see each other. The risk was too great.

Sending a drone out and patiently waiting for Yeonjun to go into the dust would have to do for now until he figured something else out.

He was also nervous about what to say if Kai asked about Yeonjun since he got his memories back. The blonde knew he had been drugged and knew Jungkook wasnt his real husband. His only advantage was the blonde's seratonin levels were altered when Kai looked at him.

Lying was always easy to the young commander. Jungkook never had to plan any of them out. He figured he was overthinking it. His best lies always did come in the moment.

Now that his mind was calmer, he stared at the piece of heaven sleeping next to him. There was a smile on Kai's lips as he dreamed. Jungkook began to feel sleepy. He wrapped his body around the blonde and finally fell asleep.

Amaris and Taehyun dropped everything to work on the antidote and the green serum. The Kangs and their team were pulling 16 hour days until they could figure this out. Taehyun's team worked on recreating the original formula while Amaris worked on the one to counteract it.

They believed this "Jin" that their only shot was curing Kai.

Beomgyu and Yeonjun began preparing for Kai to visit. It was only a matter of time until he did. They had no way of knowing if he would come alone like last time, with Jungkook or with an entire army.

Namjoon uploaded a lone letter of his own onto Jin's computer. It expired in 24 hours. He hoped someone at the globe would see it before Jungkook heard about it.

Someone at the lab did see it. One of the interns started a call with the Kangs and Yeonjun. He told them an unknown sender, uploaded a file to Jin's computer. The I.P address of the entire building was damn near impossible to get into. The intern concluded that had to be their lab.

"Get on with it!" yelled Yeonjun.

"Right. Sorry sir. He made the effects permanent. Kai's mind is permanently drugged. His eyes are back to normal so dont be surprised to see they arent green anymore. His memories are also completely back but his mind is attached to Jungkook. It would tear itself if Kai went after Yeonjun. It also stated that he, the scientist, burned every file and copy of the formula so it cant be used anymore. The letter deleted itself shortly after."

"AMARIS!" Yeonjun yelled again. "Please! Please tell me youre close! Kai could kill himself if he sees me again and Im not going to stop fighting for him!"

"Im sorry Yeonjun! We're trying! We really are! It's complicated! It probably took years to develop!"

"KEEP TRYING!" Yeonjun hung up. He told the Chois everything. Hearing Kai's memory was back was a blessing. Hearing it would kill him if they saw each other again was a curse.

If they were ever fortunate enough to capture Kai, the plan was now to keep him locked in their house. Yeonjun would stay with the Chois. Video cameras were going to be installed in every room so he could always see what was happening.

Soobin would be the main person talking to Kai since he's the closest to him after Yeonjun.

People in their circle would visit at random so his husband wouldnt go insane from loneliness. Amaris wouldnt go in unless he had the antidote. Kai would be kept and well cared for until that happened.

As for Jungkook, everyone was ordered to kill on sight if he was alone. Capture both and seperate them if he was with Kai.

Yeonjun went home to buy a bunch of video cameras to install in the house. He still had hope that Kai would save himself. It was the only kind of happiness he could muster knowing he couldnt even see him now without risking his husband's life.

Kai woke up in Jungkook's arms. His warmth was euphoric.

The knowledge of knowing youve been drugged repeatedly by the guy youre in love with was odd to him. He didnt hate Jungkook for it. He literally couldnt. His mind told him that the raven hair only did it because he loved him.

He thought of how long it's been since he's seen his friends. He missed Soobin, Beomgyu and Taehyun. He missed Yeonjun most of all but he remembered the pain he felt last time he thought of him. It was something not worth repeating. Namjoon told him that effect was still there so he knew how dangerous it was to miss him.

With that knowledge, Kai still wanted to escape. He was tired of hiding. The idea of Jungkook being his husband made him really happy. The idea of ruling the two cities together made him happier.

They could use the planes in the subterranean to spread the bacteria in the snow globe. Both scientists teams were brilliant in their own rights. The world would rebuild itself at a record pace if they worked together.

The blonde came to one conclusion. He had to divorce Yeonjun to save himself and their cities. Jungkook filled his soul. His mind knew it. He just had to escape and file the papers so it could be a surprise. The hardest part would be convincing Yeonjun to sign those papers.

Ideally he would like to take Jungkook with him but the globe would undoubtedly shoot him on sight. He couldnt let that happen. Not to his future husband. Kai was going to go alone. He just needed the coordinates to the globe.

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