Jin's interrogation

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Jin took a seat at his desk as he continued to stare at blue vial in Jungkook's hands. Kai continued to scan the monitors as Jungkook took a standing position in front of the desk. He held up the serum and asked "do you know what this is?"

"We all saw the video. You dont need it. It would be a waste of something so valuable."

Kai's eyes kept on the monitor of various bases in the city. Their soliders were good but they werent anything compared to his team. It was like watching the MLS when youre used to watching the premier league.

Jin pressed when Jungkook didnt respond to him. "I heard Jisung and Lisa were killed yesterday. Did he do it?" He pointed to the blonde still staring at the monitors.

Jungkook looked over at Kai. "Yes." He looked back at Jin. "His choice. Not mine."

"And you had him steal that after Jisung told you what I told him?"

The commander tossed the vial up and down in his hands.

Jin pressed further. "Did he tell you he was seen?"

Kai stood up straighter with eyes still locked onto the monitor. "Yeonjun saw me. I ran. Stole what I needed to. Left after. Simple as that."

Jin coldly said "according to the report that Amaris uploaded, you almost died."

Jungkook's eyes tried to find his amber but couldnt. "You almost died? Why didnt you tell me?"

The blonde responded "almost doesnt mean I did. Im here arent I?"

Jin laughed. "You think you have him? His brain began to shut down because he wanted to stay with Yeonjun but couldnt. His mind was literally fighting his body. You dont have him Jungkook. You never did. Your mistake was not going in with him. I told you I was trying to keep the city safe while youre out there chasing some dream thatll never happen."

Jungkook whistled twice. The watch glowed. "Lock the govenor to his chair."
Arm and leg restraints popped out from the office chair and strapped the general in place. "I modified your office chair last night. I hope the seat is comfy." He stabbed the blue liquid into Jin's neck vain.

Kai heard the very familiar sounds of struggle from injecting too much at once. He felt a needle in the back of his neck and fell to the ground. He said "its about damn time" before he lost his breath.

Jungkook grabbed a chair from the coffee table and dragged it over to the desk. He then knelt besides the blonde so Kai would see him first and not Jin.

Those beautiful green eyes popped open and Jungkook saw the love glaze over. "Hi baby. Im Jungkook Jeon-Huening. Youre Kai Kamal Jeon-Huening, my husband. Over there is Jin. He made an attempt on my life. We're here to question why."

Kai sat up to see an older man strapped to an office chair. He looked to be struggling to breathe. Good. Anyone who is an enemy of his 'husband' deserves to suffer. He stood up with the knife in his hand and walked to Jin's side.

Jungkook couldnt keep the smile off of his face seeing the blonde hold the knife next to the man who has a plan to kill him. They watched Jin's struggling subside. The interrogation now started. "How do I die in your plan?"

Jin very calmly said "Kai will kill you."


"You'll get what you want. You'll permanently turn him but it won't last long."

"Why is that?"

Jin now had to decide how much he wanted to live. "They're planning something." His heart started to hurt from refusing to say more about the subject."

Jungkook watched him fold over in pain. "Why won't it last long Jin?"

Jin refused to talk which only made his heart stop again. Kai moved his thumb over to the bolt on the handle. He was ready to revive him if needed.

Jungkook asked again. "The pain can stop if you just tell me why it won't last for long. It can all be over Jin."

Jin screamed from the pain. Jungkook drummed his fingers on the desk, waiting for his heart to beat again. When it came back, he asked again. He was going to keep asking until he got his answer. "You watched the video. I can keep this going for an eternity with the charge in Kai's knife. Why won't it last?"

He struggled to speak. "Take...a fucking...guess."

Kai watched his heart go out. He stabbed a blade in and watched the electricity burn the area around his chest. Jin came to life. Kai removed every blade except for one. That one would keep him alive.

Jin refused to talk after 10 more minutes of asking. The burns around the blade kept getting darker and darker. The smell of burning flesh flooded the room.

Kai and Jungkook were reminded of their childhoods. They remembered their own flesh being burned with their father's idly standing by. They shared a look and felt each other's pain. Kai mouthed "I love you."

Jungkook mouthed it back. He was about to ask again but stopped when Kai asked instead.

Jin looked deeply into the blonde's eyes and weakly said "I can almost see your amber. Theyre working on curing you. Your green, just like right now, is only temporary." He turned to the man sitting across from him. "I failed you when you were little. All you wanted to do was play with me but I told you I didnt have time."

"You told me that. Was it not true?"

"Sometimes it was. Sometimes it wasnt. Youre a lot of handle. I needed a break. Your parents spoiled you rotten. Ruined your soul. I didnt want to be around you then but if I had, maybe you wouldnt be doing this. Look at Kai. He doesnt deserve this."

Kai snapped back. "I wanted this. I wanted to be drugged. I want to be with my 'husband'! How dare you tell me what I want!"

"What about Yeonjun Kai? Your real husband?"

"Who is Yeonjun? He isnt my husband. Jungkook is."

Jungkook laughed. "Yeah. I am. And I have the ring to prove it." He held up the purple ring, proudly showing it off.

Jin searched Kai's eyes, willing the emeralds to go away but it was useless. "The coordinates to the globe are 36.76853-"

Jungkook grabbed the knife out of his chest and watched his mentor in life die.

Kai was confused. He recalled the blades back to the handle. Jungkook let go before he got cut. Now Kai wanted an answer. "Why did you do that?"

"He was trying to drive us apart babe. Cant you see that?"

The blonde nodded. He didnt want to be cured if it meant leaving Jungkook. He looked at the dead body slumped in the office chair and asked "who is going to take his place?"

"Temporarily, it'll be Ellie until I can figure out who in Jin's team is qualified enough to take his place."

"So what do we do now?"

Jungkook took Kai's hands in his own. "Do you want to be with me Kai? Forever?"

"Yes Jungkook. You make me so happy!" The blonde giggled as he said that. "I love you so much. Marrying you was the best choice I've ever made."

"Let's go visit the lab. Green looks beautiful on you."

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