Ready for divorce?

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Now that Kai was fully aware he wasnt a general in the subterranean, Jungkook was dedicated to helping him become one. He had the title, just needed to learn the routine.

He attended meetings with Jungkook at his side. They supervised trainings. Kai even started making changes to help the army get better and Jungkook supported him the entire time. In fact, they never left each other. They were so blindly in love, irresistibly consumed by one another's presence.

Jungkook was blinded by those amber eyes that finally glowed for him. When they had sex, he had look at them. Kai enjoyed his new kink. Watching him unravel, watching him lose himself, watching those black diamonds struggle to meet his amber was such a thrilling turn on.

What Jungkook didnt know was Kai often went to a dark place in his head. A place where he thought lovingly about Yeonjun. He only allowed himself to think about his real husband like that for 3 minutes every day. Kai timed it in his office while he was alone. 3 minutes was when the headaches got mind splitting. The pain was bearable until then.

He had to leave Yeonjun to save his own life. Divorcing Yeonjun would also save Yeonjun in a way. Jungkook wouldnt kill the other if Kai was legally his. This was the best way to save everyone.

Jungkook took Kai out on a tour of the outside of the city when the globe's lab team went home. He showed him where all the exits were and all the glass ceilings Kai kept asking about. They stood atop the ceiling to Jin's, now Jungkook's, office and stood looking down into the empty room. "You now know how to escape."

Kai asked "babe whats the point youre trying to prove?"

"The point baby..." he pointed out into the emptiness, "is that you have the freedom to leave me if you want to. Its completely your choice."

The blonde pressed him to the ground, against ceiling of the office and straddled him. "How can I leave this?" He started grinding against the outside of Jungkook's suit. Kai started laughing when he felt the rock harden under his ass. He stood up and pulled the raven hair to his feet. "In all seriousness, I'm not leaving you. I've actually been planning a surprise for you!"

"Okay. What is it? Wait... scratch that. What do you need from me? You wouldve presented it by now but you need something."

"Do you trust me?"

"I do but baby what do you need?"

"The coordinates to the globe."



Jungkook sighed. "Follow me."

They walked to the entrance to the lab's garage. Kai saw the bike Namjoon made him. It looked exactly like the one he had back home except it glowed green instead of pink. Jungkook took his helmet off then gently pulled Kais' off of his head. "Before I give them to you, I need to know why."

"But baby it'll ruin the surprise!"

"Kai. Im serious."

The blonde bit his lip. His eyes searched those black diamonds. He gave in. "I was going to file for divorce from Yeonjun. I want to be Jeon-Huening. Not Choi-Huening. I want us to get married and unite our cities. I want what you want."

"So... Kai Kamal Huening... youre telling me you want to marry me?"

"I do!" He picked Jungkook up and twirled him around saying "I really do!"

"Got your knife on you?"

"Yes baby."

"Dont get caught. You have 12 hours before I come find you."

Kai got on Jungkook's bike behind him and this time, he watched the coordinates carefully. He now knew how to get to every place in the city.

They arrived about a mile out from the globe. Jungkook saw extra protection by the entrance Kai went in last time so he put the bike on 'stealth mode' and circled around.

Army uniforms could be seen in almost every patch of the cleared space. There was no way to get in without being noticed.

Jungkook drove away from the globe and away from the direction of the city. He wanted to find somewhere no one would be around. The bike reached the edge of a canyon filled with partially frozen orange water. Dust whipped across their view over the lake as the winds began to pick up.

They got off the bike and sat on the edge. Their feet dangled over the half frozen water. Kai stated the obvious "I cant get in. They must have increased security. I dont even think my temporary codes would work without raising suspicion."

"I do have one idea if you think it'll work."

"And that is?"

"I could distract them at the other end of the gate while you sneak in. I'd take Bangchan with me. We could buy you some time."

Kai held his hand tightly. "If Yeonjun goes after you, you will die."

"Honey. This past month, Ive compared my scores to Yeonjun in all of the tests you run your soldiers through. He is my equal and you are my perfection. Let me prove Im better."

"Fine. Dont take Bangchan though. We need him to continue leading the army in our absence."

"Well in that case..." Jungkook helped Kai to his feet again. "Want to do it now? Id rather be married to you sooner than later."

"Do you have a weapon on you?"

"I dont... lets go get one."

They got on the bike and Kai watched Jungkook type in the coordinates to the lab's garage. It took a bit longer than they wouldve liked to get back. Kai wondered what the area looked like before the war. He wondered if the water used to be there before the world froze over or was there because the world froze over.

Grass and an dust free universe used to be a dream. With their marriage, it would be a reality.

Kai wanted to marry Jungkook so badly. The city of the subterranean already loved him as a general. He made Jungkook softer, a bit more forgiving. His violent side still showed when Jungkook was in trouble but it now came with a warning before the beating.

Jungkook didnt tell Kai the real reason he wanted to seperate from him. If he was fortunate enough to kill Yeonjun, he was going to destroy the lab. He was closely following the progress on the antidote and they were annoyingly close. Amaris had been making paper copies of every report he typed up. Wiping out the computers would be useless. The lab had to be destroyed.

Kai put the knife in his pocket along with a couple of small smoke bombs for cover. Jungkook grabbed several detonators and his favorite .22. It had a silencer, a scope, and bullets that exploded if he whistled a certain note. He wanted to put a bullet in Yeonjun's heart and watch it explode in front of him.

Jungkook asked "are you ready to get divorced?"

"Ready babe."

Subterranean- YeonkaiWhere stories live. Discover now