Soobin's plea

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Soobin and Kai were sitting under a gazebo in the southern garden. The young govenor reserved it just so they could talk alone. He asked "why are you doing this?"

Kai hated this. He knew this was going to be another conversation where he would be forced to explain himself. "You know why."

"You really think Im going to let you go? Besides my dad, youre the last person I love here Kai."

"Soobin..." This was the 10th time this week that people tried to talk him out of it. Yeonjun accounted for half of those. The blonde was tired of it. "What are you going to do? Throw me in jail?"

"No. I just-"

"Youre hurting. I understand. I really do but no one is going to talk me out of this because no one can think of a better solution. One that doesnt risk everyone's lives. Only mine. And Im perfectly okay with that if it means you guys living."

Soobin slapped his hands on his thighs and stood up. "AND WHAT IF YOU DIE? THEN WHAT? PLEASE TELL ME IF YOU KNOW HIM SO WELL!"

Kai looked up and searched his expressions. Anger and fear. Mostly fear. "Soobin please sit down."

He reluctantly sat down.

Kai continued, "he wont kill me because Im still his greatest weapon. I have Taehyun and Amaris working on rocket launchers and missile devices for the planes."

"How are you still his greatest weapon if he's supposed to be some technology god?"

"Their sonar will see me coming but I can still outfight everyone. My spacial awareness is second to none. Its not even close. I can see things coming miles before anyone else can. I shot down their drone in 2 miles of dust, remember? My aim is second to none. I can always tell when people are lying. I can tell how theyre feeling. I know my worth as a solider and he knows it too. Im too valuable to kill. Its that simple. He would only kill me if he I was about to kill him."

"Didnt he pierce your heart?"

"He thought I was about to kill him but I only aimed for his leg. Again, he only did it because he assumed I was going to first."

Soobin scoffed. "You shouldve killed him."

"His second in command was coming and he wouldve escaped. He wouldve told the city I killed their leader and we wouldve been plunged straight into a war."

Soobin stood up again. "Did Beomgyu's death mean nothing to you? Answer me Kai!"

"He valued your life just as I am right now. As the co-head of the city, youre pretty high on the target list besides Yeonjun. Jungkook will die but we need to be smart about it."

"Oh! So training his soldiers is smart?!"

"Finding out what he's up to is. Its a small give and take. Yeonjun, Hobi and Jake are keeping everyone in top condition. They wont stand a chance against our army by the time we go to war."

Soobin sat back down again. "What is he up to? If you had to guess?"

"Another drug for sure. He had a special cabinet to keep some others in. He likes mind altering substances a lot. I couldnt tell you what it is though. I asked Amaris to dig into it but whatever it is, has to be on paper copies only."


"Soobin! Calm down! I didnt say it was for me!"

"What does your insinct tell you?"

Kai didnt respond. He wanted to lie to his best friend but couldnt bring himself to. He knew it was for him. He just didnt have any idea of what the effects would do.

Soobin walked over and got onto his knees. He took Kai's hands in his own and begged "Kai please. Please just dont do this. How can you be so willing to be drugged?"

"Im willing to do anything to save your life. I was willing to leave my husband if it meant protecting everyone. I dont care about myself because I know I can handle anything that happens to me." Kai grasped Soobin's hands harder. He ran his thumb over one of the older's palms to comfort him.

Soobin bit his lip. He knew making his best friend stay was a lost cause. "How can you tell me for sure that you'll stay yourself when youre drugged?"

"I cant but I do know there's always some side effect that makes me know what Im feeling, what Im thinking, isnt really me."

"Like the pain from thinking about us?"

"Yeah basically. The truth serum stops your heart when you lie to yourself. The love drug stops your brain when it perceives you betraying who you think youre supposed to love. I just need to essentially be in pain and figure out the cause."

Soobin cupped his cheek with one of his hands. "Do you hear yourself? Youre undergoing torture! Willingly!"

Kai challenged "do you hear ME?! Im doing this for you guys!"

"You almost died! Twice!"

"Almost doesnt mean I did!"

Soobin's other hand now cupped Kai's other cheek. "Kai please. Seriously please. You keep flirting with death like you want to die. Are you trying to kill yourself or something?"

"No Soobin. Im just not afraid to die if it means you guys are safe."

"If you die while Jungkook rules our cities, it'll be the end of all of us. Did you think about that?"

"The only person who will die in that situation is Yeonjun and he would make sure Jungkook died with him. You and Taehyun would be too valuable for him to lose in his rankings."

"So I would live if our cities didnt have to go to war and you would be dead."

Kai nodded. "Only in that situation Soobin. Jungkook would unite the cities under his rule. I dont plan on dying though."

Soobin brushed the hair out of Kai's face. "I'd rather die with you than live under the ruling of the man who killed my boyfriend."

"Then I'll live. I'll live for all of us."

"You promise? If you say yes, you better keep that fucking promise Huening."

"I promise."

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