Preparing before injecting

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"This is the closest I could get to the description you provided."

The jeweler handed Jungkook an exact replica of Yeonjun's purple ring. He took it in his hands and admired it in the light. "It's perfect. Thank you."

"Try it on sir. I need to make sure it fits before I send you on your way."

Jungkook slipped the ring on and began to admire it on his hand. "Perfect." He paid before he left then went to his next destination.

The trolley took him to the main military base. Jungkook whistled twice. The watch started to glow. "Call Bangchan."

Bangchan answered. "Are you here already?"

"Do you have it?"

"Yes. I'll be right there."

While he waited, he walked around to observe everyone's routines. The dead were doing shooting drills with a variety of guns at their disposal. He smiled when he saw their scars. He stopped smiling when he noticed how bad their aim was. None of them even came close to the bullseye.

The shooting instructor saw his commander observing in the distance. He swallowed hard then began yelling some more. Their aim did not get better. In fact, it got worse.

Jungkook had had enough. He marched over there and picked up the closest gun to him which happened to be a 12 gage shot gun. He pointed, aimed and fired all of the rounds into the same target. The bullseye and the surrounding ring was gone.


The dead didnt speak. The shooting instructor, part of the resurrected (the next rank after the dead), demanded for them to answer.

Jungkook saw the fear on the instructor's face. "Perhaps youd like to give them a demonstration. Clearly your teaching methods are terrible. Maybe they're more of a... learn by seeing kind of squad."

"I'll start right away sir." The instructor welcomed the challenge. Just hit a still target. How hard could that be? He got promoted to his current position for a reason. He picked up the 9mm pistol and began to aim.

"What are you doing?" Jungkook asked.

The instructor turned his head. "What you asked for sir? Giving them a demonstration?"

Jungkook whistled twice. The watch started glowing. "Move the targets at a speed of 50% to max."

The targets started moving. Some side to side, some back and forth, others in an awkward diagonal. "Now you may begin."

The instructor saw the look on Jungkook's face as sinister. He was almost being challenged to mess up. His mind began to race with what would happen to him if he missed. There's a saying that those who cant do, teach. Well in the subterranean army, if the teachers couldnt do what they taught, they got shot. Its a poster that Bangchan personally had drafted for the breakroom.

Jungkook heard Bangchan coming up behind him with the new uniform in his hands. They whispered together as they watched the instructor begin. "It should fit him perfectly."

"Thank you. Kai asked to be drugged again."

Bangchan looked at him confused to make sure he heard that correctly. "He? Asked you? To be drugged again?"

"Told me he would rather be drugged and free than insane and alone."

Jungkook took the uniform from his second in command. Bangchan noticed the ring. "Is that the replica?"

Subterranean- YeonkaiWhere stories live. Discover now