Petrified amber

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Jungkook was still asleep as Kai's eyes popped open. The drug wore off. He softly cried. All he could think about was the guilt of cheating on Yeonjun. Fuck his own safety. He knew his real husband would understand but it didnt matter. He cheated and the guilt absolutely consumed him.

The more he tried to swallow his tears, the louder his chokes became. Jungkook woke up. He saw Kai's amber eyes, glistening in the glow of the low sunset.

Kai pretended not to notice the man next to him wake up. His mind ran through all of his options as he faked sleep.

Kill Jungkook and he would never be able to leave. He didnt know the code to leave and no one was going to tell him it.

Run away and go where? He knew where food was without having any money and he knew where Jungkook's house was.

Pretending he was still in love wasnt the worst idea but he knew he could never make it convincing. He missed Yeonjun so much. The idea of kissing Jungkook much less doing anything else with him made him want to gag.

His mind kept wanting to kill him. He deserved it. There was absolutely no plan after that. The city would go into lockdown. There wouldnt be anywhere to run. He would get captured and tortured for killing the commander. He would never see Yeonjun again.

"I can see that you're awake Kai."

The blonde opened his eyes and turned to look at Jungkook. "Yeah. I am. So whats your plan now? Waiting for me to try to kill you again so you can drug me? Is that it?"

Jungkook laughed to himself. "Would you believe it if I told you I actually dont have any left?"


Jungkook turned to his side so he was completely facing Kai. "What's your plan? You havent killed me. Why?"

"You know why."

"Try me."

"I cant leave without you."

"You actually can. Your DNA is in the system remember?"

"Doesnt mean I know where the fuck Im going."

"I think I know why you havent killed me yet."

Kai challenged. "Try me."

"Because you can be yourself around me. Your real self. No one gets you like I do. How could they if they didnt grow up like us? I didnt make you punch my uncle so hard he cracked his skull. You threw Yeonjun in jail. Twice. You see me in yourself Kai. It scares you but it's there. We're meant to be together. We're the youngest prodigies of our groups. No one can do what we can! Think about it!"

Kai sat up and started choking Jungkook. The raven haired smiled as he was losing oxygen. Before Kai knew it, the scenery was gone. A blank, white room remained with the door locked securely shut.

The blonde got off. He stood up and looked around.

Jungkook stood up as well to face Kai. "You fell in love in a prison. I can make you fall again. You said so yourself. You cant leave without me. And youre not going to until you realize, really realize that were meant for each other!"

Kai walked up to the door and started yanking on the handle. He pushed and pulled. Nothing happened. He started punching the door until his knuckles bled. Jungkook just stood and watched.

Both hands were now dripping in red but he didnt stop. "YOU CRAZY FUCKER LET ME OUT! YOURE PSYCHO!"

Jungkook still silently watched. He was actually impressed with how much force Kai was still putting into his punches. His bones were going to shatter soon if they havent already.

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