Arrogance and ignorance

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Kai held on tightly as they raced back to the entrance of the subterranean.

He didnt know much but he knew Jungkook was his husband and he felt like safety. It was a warmth, a comfort that flooded his mind.

Jungkook couldnt believe that worked. If Yeonjun hadnt have been so defensive it might not have. He figured out what the other raven haired man was doing so he played him. Got him so angry he would mess up and Yeonjun predictably messed up. None of that was in the script but it was better.

The only problem was knowing Yeonjun would be more determined than ever to find him. They had to return the next day. Kai had to tell his actual husband that he wasn't his anymore or else an army would be blasting through their roof.

Upon arrival, Jungkook helped Kai off of the bike. The platform descended down into the garage. They took their helmets off and Jungkook took another look at Kai. His green eyes looked so good on him. The blonde hair shined in the florescent lights. He loved that Kai was taller. It was hard to find men that were taller than him these days.

Kai cupped Jungkook's cheek and took a moment to stare at him. He felt so happy. He took a second to admire the other's face. His thumb caressed his cheek as he felt his skin. Soft. He brought his lips to Jungkook's lips and felt the older kiss back.

It was hot, heavy, Kai felt himself running his finger tips along the edge of Jungkook's pants. He wanted to make him feel as happy as he felt.

Jungkook pulled back. He wanted it but they didnt have time yet. The drug was going to wear off tomorrow and he had a list of things to do before that happened.

Kai asked "Im sorry, did I do something wrong?"

Jungkook kissed him again. "No baby. We can do that later okay? Im just really busy right now. Let's get you to bed. You've had a long day."

"Thank you. I do feel really tired. My body hurts but I dont remember doing anything to make it hurt."

"It hurts?" Jungkook grew very concerned. "How so baby?"

"My head feels fine but every other part of my body is sore. It's like theyre fighting with each other. My nerves are telling my brain theyre not okay but my brain isnt listening. That sounds stupid but it's true."

"It doesnt sound stupid at all. Let's get you to a doctor and then bed." Jungkook called his trolley and get the GPS to Namjoon's lab. Something was wrong with Kai and he needed to figure out if it was lethal.

Jungkook was flipping through a few things in the desk then felt Kai wrap his arms around him from behind. The blonde felt so warm. It calmed him. He cant remember the last time he felt like this.

Kai groaned and forced himself to lay down on the couch. He broke out into a sweat. Jungkook ran over "baby! Are you okay? We're almost there. Stay awake for me okay?" He squeezed his hand tightly, looking for a response. He felt a light squeeze back. "Good. Keep squeezing my hand. I'm here. Youre going to be fine."

Jungkook carried Kai into the lab and yelled for Namjoon. The scientist came rushing out to see the blonde as pale as a ghost, dripping in sweat. "What the hell happened Jungkook?!" Namjoon lifted one of Kai's eyelids open and saw the green. "You didnt! I TOLD YOU IT WASNT READY!"

"We can talk about this later! Save him!"

Namjoon went to work while Jungkook hopelessly watched. He held Kai's hand and dabbed the sweat off of his face with a box of tissues. "Youre going to be okay. Stay with me Kai. It's going to be okay."

Vials and powders were being pulled from cabinets. Namjoon furiously worked but whatever he was creating, kept failing. He started over several times.

Jungkook was trying not to yell at him but it was getting harder to suppress it. Kai's hand dropped in temperature. Pale was becoming blue. His breathing slowed down. "NAMJOON HE'S DYING!"

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