Piecing it together-drone

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"Dad..." Taehyun was impatiently waiting. Amaris was busy writing out formulas and theories to this new drug. He wanted to, had to, get all of his thoughts out before they disappeared.

Yeonjun especially, wanted to tell the scientist to fucking start already but that wouldnt do anyone any good.

"Start without me. I need to keep doing this before I forget. If I can figure out the drug, I can figure out the antidote."

Taehyun held up a photo of a black metal piece with wires attached and what looked to be a cracked microchip in the center. "This is from drone number one. The microchip is still mostly intact. The coordinates were to the globe. We believe it wasnt meant to go back to their city like it was meant to be purely observational."

Steven asked "so you cant trace it back to where it came from?"

"No. The dust really destroyed this one. Im more surprised Kai was able to recover this piece of it." He held up another photo. Same piece but the chip was intact. "This is from drone number two. Another observational one. No return coordinates and the data was supposed to be sent to a network that doesnt even exist."

Beomgyu asked "doesnt the dome have its own network? What if they made their own too?" Everyone looked at him confused. "What? It was apart of my history lesson with the old general."

Steven was mildly impressed with his son's boyfriend. He was still trying to get used to him and his energy. "...that would make sense Beomgyu..."

Amaris overheard that and added it to a seperate stack of notes. Now he had to find another network with no way of knowing how.

Taehyun agreed. He held up a third photo, this time over half of the chip was missing. "This is the third drone. Kai shot this down with extreme precision. This is the only one that had return coordinates. Kai was right about everything. The drone was shot down so well we only got a partial. You said Jungkook mentioned the city was 100 miles away right?"

Yeonjun nodded.

"Its a lot of ground to cover. I have a team narrowing down the list of 5 places they could be. We also have no indication of how the big the city is or how far down they are. It's going to be difficult but not impossible."

"Its a start" said Soobin.

"We did manage to get something actually helpful though. There's a signature in each of the chips. N.K. My dad said it had to be Namjoon Kim. The son of a guy he went to school with."

Amaris finally joined back into the conversation. "He was my only rival in school. Brilliant by all accounts which means Namjoon is Taehyun's equal. Namjoon is 6 years older than Taehyun though. He's had more time to perfect his work."

Yeonjun asked "you think he made the drug?"

"Yes. There isnt a doubt in my mind. This makes it easier though. I know his dad's thought process. We worked together in chemistry all throughout grad school. I really do think I can figure it out." Amaris went back to work.

Soobin asked "what can we do?"

Taehyun answered "I'll need more funds. Talk to Anastasia please. She will understand. Afterwards, dont change a single thing youre doing."

"Got it."

The young Kang turned to Beomgyu. "Youre on the defense council right? Take over for Yeonjun. Assign someone else to train the bronze soldiers. He will be busy for a while."

"Great. Meetings..."

Yeonjun glared at Beomgyu who stared at the floor so he didnt anger him further.


"Yes Taehyun?"

"Dont change a thing. If you could search for any files on any hidden networks in your free time-"

"I'll make it a priority."

Taehyun nodded and turned to Yeonjun. "Yeonjun."


"The drug is expensive. I doubt they have a large stock pile of it like we dont of ours. Kai will be back once they run out. Or he will be back with Jungkook as some sort of proof that he isnt yours. Im not sure which but he will be back. Increase protection around the border. Their drug cant last long. I suspect itll be soon. Promise me you'll call us when he is. Dont do this by yourself."

"I promise."

They left to go back to their lives with their new assigned tasks. Taehyun hired more recruits who specialized in technology and had them work on the drones. His goal was to help his father develop the love formula as quickly as possible. The antidote was the best hope they had.

Yeonjun couldnt sleep that night. His bed felt so empty, cold, lifeless without Kai by his side. He stayed up looking through the photos they had together and started crying to himself when he came across their one year wedding anniversary.

Kai surprised him at work with a bouquet of lilacs and daisies. "Got a few minutes?"

Yeonjun ran up to kiss him. The flowers were fresh. They smelled so lovely. He still remembered the smell as if the bouquet was in his hands right now.

Kai closed the door to Yeonjun's office and locked it. Yeonjun saw that face. He bit his lip in his smile as he knew what was coming. "I only have 15 minutes until my meeting angel."

The blonde smirked as he gently lifted Yeonjun on top of the desk. "That's just enough time dont you think? To do it exactly how you like it?" Kai started running his tounge in circles in the crook of his husband's neck.

He went to pull off Kai's clothes but the blonde refused. It was like being in the cell again. That day, where Kai figured out how to push Yeonjun beyond the levels of pleasure he thought possible.

When Kai finished, he seductively licked his lips. Yeonjun was exhausted from the way his husband drained him. His lip was bleeding from biting it trying to repress his moans. Kai licked that off too as their tounges met each other. Yeonjun whispered "please tell me I get to do that to you tonight."

Kai kissed him again and ran his tounge over Yeonjun's teeth when he smiled. "I cant wait to punish you if you dont." They went back to work afterwards.

Their date that night consisted of sitting in their favorite park, eating their favorite foods together. They sat under a large willow tree. Yeonjun leaned against Kai and rested his head on his chest.

They talked more about their future. Kai was really warming up to the idea of having a child with Yeonjun. He no longer wanted to wait 3 years.

Yeonjun couldnt believe it. He pulled up his electronic file on his phone of the list of surrogates and they began seriously talking about it. That led to another conversation about Niki and Kai's mom.

He remembered falling in love all over again that night. Every single day with his husband was a gift. His present was now his past. He cried more at the thought of losing the person that held him down to the world. "Please dont leave me Kai. I love you.... so much."

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