Emergency meeting

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"Here." Kai threw the drones on the table in the contamination room. "I don't know where the hell these came from but I told you I saw something out there earlier!"

Taehyun and Amaris stared at the table in disbelief. Three broken black drones lay in front of them covered in orange dust.

Amaris inspected the parts. Taehyun asked "I dont understand how the hell you see anything out there. We only cleared a half mile outside."

"My instinct is never wrong. You know this. Find out where they came from. Im going to talk to Soobin and the govenor. This needs to be dealt with now."

The Kangs said "agreed" and began to work.

Kai left the lab confused and pissed off. "Indigo"

"Yes Kai?"

"Cancel all of my meetings today. Split the assignments between Jake and Beomgyu. Tell them its urgent. Call Yeonjun."

"Right away Kai."

Yeonjun answered "hey babe can I call you back? Im kind of busy right now. Im with the Chois."

"Put them on speaker."

"Is everything okay? Youre scarring me."

Kai started sat on his bike and started to drive to the govenor's house. "I shot down three black drones outside. I have no idea where they came from. The last one looked like it was specifically looking for me. The Kangs are inspecting it as we speak. I think there's other people out there. Another civilization."

Soobin said "that's impossible. There cant be other people out there! We wouldve sensed it with the satellites on the roof."

The govenor replied "I'll cancel everything I have for today." He directed his attention to Soobin and Yeonjun. "You two do the same. Im assuming youre on your way over Kai?"

"Correct. I'll be there in 10 minutes." The bike was going 70 miles an hour in a zone designed for 45 but Kai didn't care. Who was going to stop him? No one, and it wouldn't end well if they tried.

He was pissed off. The first two drones were observational. Their cameras were looking all around them, scanning, taking in information. He saw that. The third one, however, locked onto his face. It didnt move when it found it's target. That's why he shot it earlier than the others. Whoever sent it, was looking for him specifically.

Kai arrived at the govenor's house and made a b-line into Soobin's office. Yeonjun hugged him then gave him a quick kiss. Kai kissed him back to be polite but he really didnt have the patience for this.

Yeonjun kissed him one more time to calm his husband's nerves. It worked. He recieved a soft kiss back then brushed the blonde strands off of Kai's forehead. "I love you. Im glad youre okay."

The blonde melted looking into his husband's eyes. Marrying him was the best decision he's ever made. "I love you too. Im prepared to explain what I saw now."

He took a seat at the table, across from Soobin and Steven. Yeonjun sat down next to him and held his hand. Steven put the Kangs on speaker as they waited for Kai to speak.

"I used my lunch break to do target practice outside. I've been so busy, I was worried my aim was starting to slip."

Yeonjun interjected "baby your aim has never slipped. It's still perfect!"

Soobin told him "please be quiet. This is important."

Kai continued. "That's when I saw the first one. It was 3 miles back. At first I thought I was halucinating but the black dot kept getting bigger. It collasped on itself from 2 and a half miles out. The dust got to it before I could."

The Chois wrote this all down. Kai could hear Amaris typing away while Taehyun, loudly, ate chips. Man he hated hearing Taehyun eat.

He brushed off his annoyance and continued telling the story. "I believe the second drone was sent because the first one failed on itself. It looked upgraded, better protected from the dust. I let it get to 1 and a half miles in before it saw me. I shot it before it reached a mile."

Amaris spoke up. "You're right. The other two drones have much better shielding. Ive never seen this type of technology before. Its like ours, does the same thing that ours can, but it's completely different."

The govenor asked "how so?"

Amaris explained "our technology works by enhancing the bonds between particles when charged. Like putting super glue between two pieces of paper only you can remove the super glue whenever you want. Theirs seems to coated with something that sends a pulse. I managed to remove a piece and tried putting it in a pile of the dust. The dust got repelled. No matter where I put the shield piece, the dust almost ran away from it."

Yeonjun asked "what if they created a city that's coated in that stuff? That would explain how they survived."

Taehyun said "we would have seen or detected a city though. It doesnt make sense."

Kai's instincts were on full alert. "What if they werent on the surface like us? What if theyre underground or on the ocean floor?"

Taehyun exclaimed "Kai youre a fucking genius. Our satellites only scan the sky and the land. Nothing below it."

Soobin said "wait. Wait. What happened to the third drone?"

"I saw it from 3 miles out, searching like the other two. Except once this one found me, it locked onto me. It didnt move. Whoever was piloting that thing wanted me specifically, so I shot it."

Yeonjun hopefully said "maybe it locked onto you because you were there. They mightve just been surprised to find another human."

"They mightve been but Im telling you there's something else to it. I cant explain why."

Soobin asked "gut instinct?"

Kai nodded. Yeonjun hated his husband's instincts because he was never wrong. It took a while but he eventually learned to not question it.

Hopefully they wouldnt intend any harm. The fighting was supposed to be over.

Everything was going well for the married couple. Yeonjun got permission to contact the surrogates in his folder.

They met with an architect to design the build of their dream house and a landscaper to ensure endless greenery.
This beautiful living dream couldn't end. Yeonjun wouldn't let it.

The other civilization meant either the start of a great alliance or the start of a war. Kai was ready to fight for both.

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