Stitched up

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"Im sorry sir, did you seriously say he was welcome back, wont be arrested AND we werent going to tell anyone about this?" asked Bangchan on the ride back.

"Correct. He doesnt want to go to war. Im telling you, I know him. He will come back, alone, and offer some kind of alliance."

Bangchan dodged a puddle which made him run into a much bigger one that he didnt see before. "Shit..." he brushed some of the dust-water mixture off of his bike handle. "But sir! How are you going to explain all of the injuries youve sustained?"

"I got them in training of course. I asked to be challenged on the highest difficulty."

"And Kai's absence?"

"What about it?"

"He has a higher approval rating than you. People will notice he's gone."

Jungkook sped up and knocked his second in command off of his bike. Bangchan went flying. He fell back hard and landed in a massive puddle. That puddle saved him from serious injuries. The commander walked up and pressed his boot onto Bangchan's chest. "I am aware of his approval rating. He is merely visiting the globe but he will be back. You may be my second in command, and my friend, but you will watch your tounge. Is that understood?"

Bangchan weakly said "yes sir."

Jungkook took his boot off of the captain's chest to let him sit up. "Get up. When we arrive, I want 3 planes up and running. I need them tested to make sure their sonar is still functional. If Kai is coming, I want to know about it the second he steps out of the permimeter."

With a lot of struggle, Bangchan sat up and got onto his bike. "Their stealth shield hasnt been worked on in years. I'll have the mechanics team update the system so their satellites wont be able to detect them."

"Only work on the other 7. I want them to know we're watching."

"Assuming installation of guns and bombs on the remaining 7?"


"Yes sir. It will be done sir."

They arrived back at the platform that leads into the honored base. Jungkook called his trolley to head towards the lab.

Namjoon saw all of his injuries and dropped everything to treat him. The scientist began to bite his lip. He had questions be wanted to ask but also wanted to keep living.

He handed the commander an ointment for his lip. A seperate ointment was used to treat the bruises around his neck. The cut on Jungkook's hand began to sting as it got disinfected and stitched up. The commander then lied stomach down on the operating table so his calves could get repaired. Namjoon's bottom lip grew redder as he continued to put pressure on it.

Jungkook demanded "quit biting your lip before you have to use that ointment on yourself. What do you want to ask?"

"Is he alive?"

"Kai is alive. Is that it?"

"Is he cured?"

"Yes. He almost died in the process but he's cured."

"How did you get this one?" Namjoon gently held up the hand with a bunch of stitches in it.

"Picked up a piece of glass and threw it at Kai. I thought he was going to kill me but he only injured me." He bit a piece of cloth as his calves got cleaned off. The antibacterial spray hurt worse. Being stitched was a nice relief compared to the burning sensation of the spray.

"So Yeonjun almost killed him with an antidote that was untested and you almost killed him because you assumed he was trying to kill you?"

Jungkook didnt say anything. He felt ashamed. He should have known Kai wouldnt kill him. The blonde didnt percieve him as a threat since he was running away. Of course he wouldnt kill him. It was another thing to apologize for.

During their time together, he really did learn a lot about Kai. The blonde only killed direct threats. He was a master trainer since he had the patience of a god. When he loved, he loved hard. His entire being was about protecting his loved ones. The blonde could care less about himself. He was absolutely perfect in Jungkook's eyes.

The silence was awkward as Namjoon finished working on the commander's legs. "I put an accelerated healing cream on your legs so you'll be able to fully walk within the next 72 hours." He handed him a small bottle. "Take these to deal with the pain for the time being."

Jungkook dry swallowed one right away. His legs were really killing him. "Thanks. What's the next drug youre working on?"


"I was just asking. Didnt mean anything by it."

Jungkook sat up as Namjoon presented a file to him. "Was this your dad's old project?"

"Figured I'd finish it since I finished the serum."

"This is pure adrenaline. Could you imagine if Kai took that?"

"It isnt just pure Jungkook. It's advanced. Kai would be a one man army on that. It would take 3 bullets directly to the heart to stop it. I didnt intend it for Kai though. I intended it to give our army a chance again his."

"Keep working on it but that wont be necessary. He will be coming within this week to offer an alliance."

Namjoon tucked the file away into a coded cabinet. "I hope it wont. Will you accept an alliance?"

"Depends on what his terms are but yes. I have a few terms on my own."

"If it involves pulling Kai and Yeonjun apart, you can forget it. It will never work."

Jungkook rolled his eyes and stood up. Those pills really worked. The pain was nonexistent. He left onto his trolley and went to his office. At his request, a couple of soldiers set up a bed in there so he didn't have to leave it. The condo felt incomplete without Kai in it.

His computer was also used to keep tabs on everyone in the city. As long as he was forced to be off of his feet, he would be giving commands from behind the computer.

He ordered some food then found the cameras in the plane's garage. There was a large team working on the shield upgrades. A second team worked to install gunners.

Jungkook typed up specifications and went on and off of calls to the teams in that department. This was really where he shined. Leading through technology and coordinating departments.

His city ran smoothly because he coordinated it that way. Jin was the one who kept it up when he went off on his personal adventures. That position was now Ellies' and she was doing great. Kai's help was the upgrades he was waiting for. An alliance would give him the chance to perfect it. Kai just had to stay some more.

Jungkook had every intention of forming a truce just to break it. He needed Kai's help to further improve their army. In their current state, even with the new drug that wouldnt be ready for months to years, they would still lose a war. If he couldnt have Kai, he would have his city. Hopefully he wouldnt have to kill the blonde but he was prepared to if it came down to that.

There was still one thing he wouldnt hesitate to do again. Kill Yeonjun.

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