Our house

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Kai continued to cup Jungkook's cheek as he lightly pressed his forehead onto his. He whispered "what are you waiting for?"

Jungkook looked confused, scared and turned on at the same time. He faintly said "...Kai..."

"Isnt this what you wanted? Do you not want me anymore?" Kai placed a kiss on Jungkook's nose then searched his eyes. "What? Now that I want you too, its not fun anymore? Is that it?"

Jungkook's grip on one of the vials became tighter. "Its not that..."

Kai brushed his raven hair off of his forehead. He kissed the weak spot below Jungkook's ear and watched him melt against the door. Kai pulled away to meet his eyes and asked "then what is it?"

"I..." Jungkook tried to look away from those beautiful amber eyes but they only followed his gaze. He tried to look down but only saw the water dripping against Kai's chest. His eyes locked onto the amber ones that never left him. "I want you to actually want me... leave Yeonjun. Be with me instead."

Kai pulled back a couple of steps. He chuckled to himself. "You know something? I actually believed you for a second."

"What are you talking about? I told you I love you. I told you I meant it. I didn't lie."

The blonde turned towards the lake again but Jungkook pulled him back. "Let go of me."

Jungkook let his grip on Kai's arm go. "What the fuck was that thing you just pulled?"

"I wanted to see if you would still want me if you got what you wanted."


"Can't tell." Kai walked towards the lake again but found himself once more being turned back around.

Jungkook grabbed the back of his head so he could properly look him in the eyes. "I know you can tell when people are lying so judge this. I fucking love you Kai. I know we could make each other happy. I know that I understand you better than anyone could because Ive lived through all of your traumas. I know you drive me insane with how much I love you. And I know for a second, you wanted to kiss me too."

Kai didn't say anything. He only walked away again. He smiled as he felt an injection to his back. Jungkook was telling the truth and he couldnt wait to temporarily forget.

The blonde fell to his knees then onto his back. Jungkook only watched as his breathing slowed down. "Indigo?"

"Yes Jungkook?"

"Order Kai's favorite."

"Yes Jungkook."

Like clockwork, a strawberry lemon cake and a white chocolate latte were delivered by the time Kai woke up.

The blonde looked around then back at the raven hair who drugged him. Those green eyes were back. They melted when they saw the man behind him. "Hi... who are you?"

Jungkook sighed as he had to introduce himself again. "Im your husband Jungkook Jeon. Youre Kai Kamal Jeon-Huening. Here. I brought you your favorite foods. You must be hungry."

"Jeon-Huening... my last name sounds pretty. Im so lucky to have you as my husband!" Kai took the cake and began to eat it.

The commander thought about the name for a second. Jungkook Jeon-Huening had a nice ring to it. Kai was right. It is pretty.

Kai finished his snack and realized he was shirtless. "Jungkook... you can change this place right? I remember punching a door for some reason. A door that I dont see anymore. Wait I think I can change it too? Can I? I'll keep the room the same if you want me to!"

"What do you want to change it to?"

"Our house. I want to shower, brush my teeth and put a shirt on. Im really tired. I want to sleep in our bed and I want you next to me."

"Our house?"

"...is it not ours? We're married. I just assumed it was. Im sorry..."

Jungkook helped Kai to his feet. "It's our house baby. Come on. Lets get you home."

Kai whistled the three notes to call the trolley. He typed in the coordinates and the car took off. He began to feel very sleepy.

"Hey. Hey Kai. Stay awake for me baby. We're almost there."

Those emeralds slowly opened to see Jungkook kneeling in front of him. Kai started to kiss him. If he was going to be forced to stay awake, he was going to do something worth being awake for.

Jungkook could taste the strawberries and the white chocolate on his tounge. He deepened their kiss. He wanted more. Kai did too as he pulled Jungkook on top of him.

They arrived at the condo. The door of the trolley opened. Kai picked Jungkook up by the waist, never breaking their kiss. He carried him into the shower and stripped all of his clothes off. Jungkook ripped Kai's pants down and threw them on the bathroom floor.

The blonde pushed Jungkook face first against the wall. His tounge and lips ran down the raven hair's spine until it reached his real target. Every inch in, out and around was graced by Kai. His tounge kept fucking it with amazing accuracy.

This was another new thing to Jungkook. Kai was always full of the best kind of surprises. His knees grew weak as the blonde's hand started to rub him from behind. Kai's tounge never let up.

Jungkook muffled something against the wall. The blonde slowly stood up and continued to work him with his hand. "What was that baby?"

"Fuck me Kai..."

The blonde bit his ear. "Beg me for it." With his other hand, he slipped his index finger into his 'husband'. "How much do you fucking want it Jungkook?"

The commander's moans were now completely unstable. Kai watched his reactions. He got off on seeing the raven hair so completely lost to his own body. He placed himself where his finger was and began to tease him. "Is this what you wanted?"

Jungkook felt exactly what he desired tease him over and over again. He felt the blonde let out a small amount of warm liquid as it dripped down the back of his legs. The teasing was too much. He turned around and started kissing Kai again. He pressed him on his back, onto the floor of the tub.

He was done waiting. He sat on the blonde and started riding him until his knees began to give out. Kai moaned into his neck and began to bite it to encourage him to go faster. When he felt Jungkook slow down, he began to rapidly slam his hips into his waist so their tempo wouldnt stop.

Jungkook couldnt handle it. He collapsed onto Kai's chest as the blonde kept ruining him from below. As he got closer to his exploding point, he started to bite his chest. Kai pinned his hips downwards with his arms so Jungkook felt it more. With one last thrust, he filled his 'husband' with everything he had. Jungkook shot all over Kai's chest from the sudden warmth that entered his body.

If the blonde wasn't tired before, he sure as hell was now. He helped Jungkook to his feet so they could properly shower. The commander struggled to stand up. Kai couldnt keep the smile off of his face.

Jungkook laughed with him and he balanced his weight onto the blonde. "Please feel free to do all of that again."

Kai gave him a quick kiss. "Or you could do it to me tonight."

They showered very quickly. Afterwards, they brushed their teeth and then stumbled their way into bed. Kai passed out. Jungkook held him close to his body. When the blonde woke up, Kai would be treated to the same pleasures he just gave.

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