Pink Hair

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"You did not!" (Y/n) let out a laugh as he looked at Kara's hair. (Y/n) and Nia had just arrived at the house after school and found Kara in the living room.

"Hey I look great!" Kara replied as she grabbed a mirror and looked at her hair.

"You dyed it pink!" Nia replied as she let out a laugh of her own.

"It's not all pink" Kara replied as she lowered the mirror. "Only the bottom half"

"Yeah that just makes it weirder" (y/n) responded as he pat the girls back.

"Oh come on. Look me in the eyes and tell me it isn't hot" Kara spoke as she turned to the boy and stared into his eyes.

(Y/n) was silent for a moment before answering. "Maybe it's a bit cute"

"That's what I thought" Kara kissed the boy before pulling back. "Batgirl did it for me. And I like it"

"Is that where you were last night?" (Y/n) asked as he crossed his arms. "Why weren't you answering your phone?"

Kara frowned. "I didn't hear you calling" she quickly put her hand into her pocket and pulled out her phone, which had a cracked screen. "Ah" she frowned. "Right, I took a bullet to the pocket. It didn't penetrate the jacket but the impact broke my phone"

"You're gonna need to get a new one" Kara shrugged at the suggestion before putting her broken phone back into her jacket pocket.

"Anyways did I miss anything important in class today?" Kara asked as she sat back down on the couch, she grabbed (y/n)'s hand, pulling him down onto her lap.

"Nothing much" Nia replied as she sat down on the chair across from the two.

"Where were you?" (Y/n) asked as he cuddled back into Kara. "School is boring without you... no offense Nia" Nia just shrugged it off.

"I had to help Kal-El. The ultra Humanite escaped and we were trying to find him... her?... them?" She took a moment to try and remember what they had decided on. "Let's say her"

"Huh?" Nia just looked confused.

"Did you find her?" (Y/n) asked, ignoring Nia's confusion.

"Nope. I'm confined to Smallville now though unless with a league member" Kara huffed as she put her arms around (y/n)'s waist.

"Ow!" (Y/n) yelped as he tried to pry Kara's arms apart. "To tight! Calm down" Kara's arms began to freeze before she quickly pulled them away.

"Sorry" she let out a nervous laugh before raising her body heat to unfreeze her arms.

(Y/n) quickly got off of Kara's lap and sat beside her instead. "So if Humanite is out does that mean you won't be doing any hero stuff for the foreseeable future"

Kara huffed at the idea as she looked down at her costume. "Kal will be dealing with Smallville crime for now" she spoke quietly. "I've officially been benched"

"Was that your first earth sports metaphor?" (Y/n) asked curiously.

"I think so" Kara nodded slowly. "And I'd say it was a home run" she laughed a bit at her own joke. "Seriously though, I'd get in so much trouble if I went out and did hero stuff"

"Okay" (y/n) nodded. "But what's to stop her from coming after you?"

It was eerily silent after that question for a couple moments. "Nothing I suppose" Kara replied as she shrugged. "The league needs to invest in better prisons"

"Definitely" (y/n) and Nia replied with simultaneous nods.


The pink haired body formerly housing the brain of Circe, but now housing the brain of the Ultra-Humanite, walked down the halls of Smallville's highschool. She ran her hands across the lockers until she finally found the one she had been searching for, the one her magic had lead her to.

"Open" she whispered, prompting the door to fly off its hinges and across the hall. She looked inside the locker before smirking as she noticed what she needed.

The Humanite pulled out Kara's rain jacket, looking it over as she did. "Ha!" She pulled something off of the collar. "It would appear that even kryptonian girls shed" she spoke as she placed the long hair into a test tube which she created instantaneously with her magic. "Thank you girl of steel" she spoke as she put the jacket back.

Ultra didn't bother to put the locker back, instead she just waved her hand and instantly she was gone.


"Mmm!" Kara groaned as she rolled in her bed. She woke up from her nightmare and was suddenly glad she had decided to sleep at home because if she had rolled in (y/n)'s bed she would have smothered him because of her strength.

Kara listened for the sound of (y/n)'s voice in order to try to calm herself, it was to early for him to be asleep. She heard the telltale sound of the boys singing voice, he hated the idea of anyone hearing him singing and would kill Kara if he knew she listened to it. He was currently singing the theme song for DuckTales.

Kara suddenly realized that her boyfriend wasn't the only thing she was hearing. The sounds of metal clanging at her school were strange at this time of night. She listened harder and this time heard a voice that was much to familiar for her liking. "Thank you girl of steel"

"Ultra" Kara muttered as she quickly flew out the window, still in her not so modest pajamas. Before she even realized it she landed in the school only to find it empty. "Fuck" she muttered before quickly reaching for her pocket to find her phone only to realize she was in her tank top and underwear and as such did not have her phone. "Kal-El!" She yelled in hopes of getting her cousin's attention.

By the time Kara had walked up to her now ripped open locker Superman was standing beside her. "She was just here!" Kara growled as she looked for signs of anything having been stolen. "She took something, but everything is still here"

"I'll get Batman here. If anyone can figure out what Ultra was after it's him" Clark spoke as he put his hand on the girls shoulder. "For now how about you go home and get dressed?"

Kara glanced down and looked at her attire before shrugging. "You earthlings and your modesty" she muttered before super speeding away and returning a moment later in her costume. "Let's get to investigating"

Word count: 1127

(If you haven't guessed by the fact that she's a recurring villain, Ultra is the main villain of this book unless I change my mind. Btw I'm fasting tomorrow so I have no clue if I'll be posting or not)

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