Chapter 50

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He couldn’t help but look at the new silver ring on his finger, a smile fell on his face knowing that Tech had chosen it. His twin knew one thing and that was rings or more in fact Tech had crafted the ring with Echo, it was a Tungsten Ring with Abalone Inlay, the cyan blue stood out amongst the silver in a wavy pattern. To think a week ago, Crosshair was ready to throw his world away and leave a relationship he desperately wanted but now he could only smile sitting on a nearby sofa holding Casey in his arms while watching Hunter, Omega, Fives and Amber dance across the dancefloor to a slow song. 

Gurgling turned his attention to his youngest, Casey was pulling a face that had him sighing. He grabbed the baby bag and left the room under the watchful eyes of many, yep he was on the list, his dad’s list or more like everyone’s. Yep, do one stupid thing and everyone thinks you are going to drop dead when they're not looking. 

It had been agreed by the three that they got married, it was a private ceremony filled with few family members and soon the three found themselves a week later having a party so more people could attend and just have a reason to celebrate. Even Rex and Cody were in the same room, the two bonding over something while Ahsoka and Sheila were there celebrating in their own way. Only a few couldn’t make it but it wasn’t like it affected them. However, one absence in particular had a set of twins worried. 

“Papi? Where’s Paps?” 

Jesse looked down at Amber who was only asking for Kix, the swat officer could only kneel down and whisper words that he had been repeating all night. 

“Paps has gone for a lie down. He isn’t feeling too well, so he has gone to sleep in hopes to get better” Jesse said with a smile, Amber could only grin and run back to join Omega and Hera on the dance floor beside a smirking Fives who was snapping pictures of his ‘girls’, yep he was officially apart of them. 

“So, how does it feel to be married to two people?” Wrecker slung an arm around Hunter while being intoxicated, Rose only laughed at her boyfriend. 

“Not any different than being a relationship Wreck. Now tell me how many drinks have you had?” Hunter turned to his slightly younger brother who only gave him a goofy smile before a song started which had him wanting to dance and sadly Fives was the one to be chosen as his partner while doing the ‘macarena’, the man just laughed it off while gesturing for someone to swap Wrecker’s drinks with water. 

“Hey Tech, have you seen Tris?” Hunter turned to the twin of his lover, Tech looked around the room noticing the twins were missing as was Casey. 

“I think he’s upstairs putting the kids to sleep” Tech said with a smile, Echo grinned and then pointed to the doorway where a certain silver-haired man walked into the room accompanied by none other than Kix, the medic was looking very tired but had decided to come down and say ‘hi’ plus on top of that to calm down Jesse’s worry level. The two of them looked exhausted but put fake smiles on their faces which could clearly be seen as fake but the remaining kids never noticed especially since Omega was hugging Crosshairs neck, the man grinning at whatever she was saying. 

“Attention! Attention! I want to say something about my brother and…” Wrecker’s drunk tone caught all attention as the bigger man stood holding a mic and wearing a goofy smile. 

“Oh no” Hunter rubbed his nose knowing Wrecker was going to do or say something embarrassing. 

“Wreck, I think you should put the mic down” Hunter tried to take the microphone from his brother who just stumbled into the middle of the dancefloor catching all attention leaving Hunter huffing but he wasn’t for long as three young teenagers took to the stage making them all smile. 

The Bad Batch: A Heart-breaking Secret - Modern AU(Hunter x Crosshair) Complete!Where stories live. Discover now