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We drove to a place in town that had shops all up and down the streets. "We should hit the music store first. I have a double kick pedal I ordered there and I need to pick it up." Natalya said as we got out of the car. I nodded and followed her.

We walked in and she went to the counter while I ventured on to the guitars and records. "Here it is." Was all I heard as I walked to the front with the Are You Experienced, Jimi Hendrix album and a new strap in my hand. It had skulls all over it.

A 'Help Wanted' sign hung by where the man stood. "Thank you." Natalya said, handing him the money. I walked up to the counter and sat my stuff down. "You guys need a worker?" I asked as he rang up my stuff. "Yeah, some girls just quit, that'll be $23.67." he said.

"Do you have a job application? I just moved here and I had to quit my job at the record store there." I said giving him the money. "We don't but if you come in tomorrow the manager will be here and she'll interview you on the stop." he said handing me my change.

"Ok cool!" I said as Natalya dragged me out of the store. "You always bring up the most interesting things when at a place." She said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes as she dragged me into the thrift store next door.

She walked over to the jackets and I walked to the jeans. I needed a pair I could cut up. I found a decent pair and walked over to Natalya. She had a bunch of stuff in her hand. She looked at me, "Is that all you're gonna get?" she asked me.

"Well for right now. Is there another record store around here? They didn't have much of a selection at the other one." I asked, holding up my bag. "It's a little ways down but yeah." She said, grabbing a green and black flannel that was on the rack.

"I'm done here, let's go pay. I'm paying for your jeans too." She said, grabbing my jeans out of my hand. "Hey you asshat! No you're not!" I said, grabbing them back. She rolled her eyes and took them back, "Love, you know that if I say I'm gonna pay. I. Am. Going. To. Pay!" She said walking off to the register.

"Whatever" I said before walking outside. She came out not long after and handed me the jeans. We went to a couple more shops before I made her take me to the record store "I need to find this album!" I said following her. She rolled her eyes as we walked into a massive two story record store.

"Hello! Is there anything I can help you fine ladies with today?" Some little jockey asked from the counter he sat at. I looked him up and down, "No... I'm good." I said walking towards the sign that pointed upstairs to the rock section.

Natalya said the same thing only going to the little book section they had. I found a couple good records but not the one I was looking for yet. I found, Van Halen by Van Halen, and the Honkey Tonk Women/You Can't Always Get What You Want by Rolling stones and took them.

I looked through a couple more bins and found one of the two I was looking for, Fighting by Thin Lizzy. This was the album with Rosalie on it. The other songs were good too but I wanted to hear that song specifically.

I saw David Bowie's best tape and grabbed it knowing Cliff didn't have one in his truck. I grabbed them and walked over to the punk section. I found Road to Ruin by Ramones and The Runaways self titled album which I didn't have and Violent Femmes self titled albums.

I searched a bit more but didn't find the other album. "Damn it." I said under my breath. "Do you need help now?" The same kid said coming up behind me with a weird smile on his face.

"I'm looking for Evilive by Misfits. I haven't found it yet. Do you know if you have it?" I asked, looking at him while taking a step back. This kid made me feel uncomfortable. "Misfits? Never heard of them. We do have ABBA downstairs." He said, looking at me. I sighed and rolled my eyes walking off with the other records in my hands.

"Don't get me wrong I love ABBA but just cuz It's chick music doesn't mean that's what I'm looking for. Plus I have all their albums." I explained to Natalya. She nodded and put a book back. "Did you find Jazz by Queen? It's the only Queen album I don't have." She asked, looking at me. "Actually I did! I'll go get it." I said walking back upstairs. I grabbed the album and went downstairs.

I handed it to her and we walked to the counter. She paid for hers first and then I put mine down. I paid and we went back to the car. It was close to 4:30. "Let's get home." I said to her as she drove. Lone called earlier when I woke up and said that she would love for the band to come over for dinner.

Including Natalya and Kirk. Kirk is technically part of the band now. He practices with them.

~Everything You Need~         Cliff x OCWhere stories live. Discover now