Over the Edge

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The New Batman Adventures 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #110 - Over the Edge

The Police Department, led by Commissioner Gordon, storm the Batcave and shoot at Batman, Megan, Gidget, and Robin. Gordon knows who Batman really is and wants him taken down. Huh? What was going on here? What happened...?

"Bruce Wayne! Stop where you are!" he said.

Wait! He knows that Bruce Wayne is Batman?! Megan tries to slow down the cops without hurting them with Gidget was doing the same thing.

"Gidget, let's go! We can't risk losing you too!" she gets her robot friend out of safety. "Guess we make a run for it now. (How did we ever get ourselves in to this type of mess? This can't be happening!) Batman! Robin! Wait for us!"

As Batman, Megan, Gidget, and Robin make a run for the Batmobile, but Gordon has it blown to bits by a bazooka-wielding officer and the same thing with Megan's car.

"There goes both our vehicles." Robin said to be catching his breath.

"Don't remind me, I paid a fortune from my car." Megan said.

So from the gun shooting at them, how will they escape now? Batman? You got anything?

"The hangar, now."

Good call there even pushing the giant coin. They run for the hangar, but Renee Montoya intercepts them.

"Batman, don't!" she said.

For Megan had her gun out to stop Montoya for all four of them were surrounded.

"Montoya, don't do this. Bullock. Gordon...Just hear us out first, please."

"You should've surrender quietly, but you're working for your boyfriend. You know it had to come down to this." said Montoya. "I'm sorry, my friend, but you brought this upon yourself."

With Gordon on their tail, Batman grabs Robin and takes a plunge into the dock for Megan to join with them to hold on to Gidget by using her ribbons, where the Batboat is moored. Gordon aims, ready to shoot Batman.

"Oh no, Wayne. No vanishing acts this time..." he said to aim and fire his gun at Batman.

However, Gordon misses when Alfred jumps on him.

"Alfred..." Batman worried about his butler.

"Don't, Alfred!"

"No, go on without me. Go, sir!" he said while fighting back. "I'll be fine!"

While Harvey Bullock manhandles and arrests the butler, Batman, Megan, Gidget, and Robin escape in the Batboat, much to Batman and Megan's shock. For Bullock hated to stop Megan getting arrested, less to stop Batman and she'll hate it a lot more, but he wanted to save her.


After exiting, a police boat pointlessly orders Batman to stop, and then fires rockets at the Batboat.

"Stop this boat now, otherwise we will shoot it down!" said the cop.

Just when the shooter is about to take one final shot at point-blank range, an explosion foils his efforts. Nightwing has come to Batman, Megan, Gidget, and Robin's rescue on a jet ski.

"Alright! It's Dick Grayson to the rescue as Nightwing!" Megan said with joy.

The police open fire at him as well, but Nightwing dodges the rocket and fires two torpedoes at them, bringing the police boat and the chase to a halt. He then leads them to a cave along the shore as their hideout.

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