A Cat in The Hand

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The New Batman Adventures 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Gotham Girls

Episode #129 - A Cat in the Hand

Harley, having brought all the men back, as she continues fiddling with the gun.

"Hey, Red. Watch this." she makes them disappear, then reappear again. "It's an on/off switch for men!"

"That's not a toy to play with!" Megan yelled. "But we did find out what made all the men disappeared."

Until Ivy takes it from her to point it at all of the monks, Batgirl, Catwoman, and Megan.

"Nobody move, or you'll all become green bean pudding. Let's get out of here, Harley."

"I'm with ya, Red." said Harley. "Let's make like a church bell and peal! Like the Red Sea and split! Like a Communion wafer and transubstantiation-!" Ivy pulls Harley to make her stop.

"Can't you just go like a normal person?!"

Now what? Megan tries talking to both Harley and Ivy by putting her gun down.

"Look, we just want that thing in your hands."

"Just give it to us, and we'll let you go." said Batgirl.

But like Ivy or Harley will fall for that trick.

"Yeah right."

After a tense standoff, the police break into action, and Catwoman is captured while Harley and Ivy escape.

"I can help you guys out, no one's going anywhere until we get that gun..." Catwoman means business. "On my cat's grave."

But just then, Montoya and the other other officers arrive to stop Catwoman with a giant gun net.

"No one's going anywhere."

They fire it for Catwoman to save both Harley and Ivy's live to make their get away, and Batgirl gets a hold of the weapon.

"Selina!" worried Megan.

Ivy acknowledges she owes Catwoman.

"Bye!" said Harley.

"I owe you one." Ivy said to Catwoman.

"No." she corrects her. "You owe my cat."

Well, this was bad. Harley and Ivy escaped and Catwoman was caught on something she didn't do...for today. With both Batgirl and Megan getting the item for Montoya to get the news to Dora on the phone.

"Good! Commissioner Gordon's back and we got Catwoman." she said.

"Wait! No! Someone's behind this mess to set Catwoman up." said Megan. "Batgirl, say something!"

Batgirl grabs the phone to try telling Dora and Gordon that.

"Megan's right. Catwoman's innocent in this one!"

Despite Batgirl's protests 'for Dora the bad news to her and Megan', the cat burglar is subsequently charged with three million counts of kidnapping. It is explained on the news that the device, created by Mr. Freeze, sent all of Gotham's men into an alternate temporal dimension, where time literally stood still until they were brought back. So says the news anchorman on TV himself.

"Talk about a lost weekend, huh?"

With Megan seeing this while hearing back from Batman 'and the same with Gordon for Barbara to talk to her father again on the phone'; Megan knew that something was up to make a device to have males to go away from Mr. Freeze's doing from back then. Why was that...?

"(Mr. Freeze's weapon to make men disappear? How's that possible?)" she kept on studying it. "Hmm...From what my computer book's getting...This was made about month ago, it's been almost five months since Bruce, Barbara, and I stopped Mr. Freeze. Yeah, this was made recently." Megan found something important. "Selina's innocent! Now this I gotta tell Barbara about right away!"

Meanwhile, Harley and Ivy are still at large—and they stop a paddy wagon with a massive vine, breaking open the doors to reveal...a platoon of police officers. The two try desperately to flee, but are cut off at every corner, and but for Batgirl's intervention, are nearly killed in their arrest. For Megan to drive in the area to see that something bad was going on right now...

"What's going on here?!" ask Batgirl.

"Beat it, we'll take from here, Batgirl." said one of the officers. "We're just doing our jobs. If you don't leave now, we'll have you arrested for aiding criminals."

Now that was going way too far.

"Aiding criminals? Me?! I was trying to not have them killed by you guys!"

Looks like it was a trap to get Ivy and Harley arrested with Catwoman.

"What are you two doing here?" she asks them.

"Saving you for saving us." answer Harley.

Megan arrives to try to do something about this.

"Hey, boys! A little harsh on those girls? That's gone way too far!" she said. "You guys, Batgirl and I will get to the bottom of this mess for sure. So you three stay strong for us."

Or at least try to...something has changed since Gordon and the other men came back.

"Look, Batgirl. Megan." Ivy tries saying something to the two before being taken away. "I know we don't see eye to eye, but you guys have got to believe this is all a big mistake here."

"We know, Ivy..."

With Megan saying that, both her and Batgirl will get right on it soon enough.

"Yeah, we will alright. When we tell the Commissioner about this-!"

Well, the officer says something to Batgirl and Megan about that part next.

"Oh, the Commissioner already knows." he points out.

Batgirl, herself appalled at the force used by the police, promises Ivy that she'll tell the commissioner—and is shocked when she sees Commissioner James Gordon, her father, sitting in a car and showing his approval...For the three villains get taken away to have Gordon...smiling on something like this to be so rough on them, what was going on? For the other cops leave, to have Batgirl and Megan lost on what to do next, solve the case, and prove Harley, Ivy, and Catwoman are innocent. For Batgirl was left speechless and Megan to say these words out loud.

"What is going on!?!"

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