The Demon Within

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The New Batman Adventures 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #122 - The Demon Within

Bruce Wayne, Megan Tsuki, and Tim Drake visit Gotham Auctioneers, Ltd to keep Tim away from playing video games.

"Look, I've seen what I wanted." he said. "Now can I go play some video games?"

"It's the reason why we keep you away from the games for tonight." so says Bruce.

Megan couldn't back Tim up after hearing that part.

"Sorry, Tim, you're on your own. To tell you truth, I find these things to be very boring myself."

Good point there, Megan. Tim then encounters another boy known as Klarion who claims he is there by himself, but he wasn't so nice or normal at all with his pet cat.

"Tonight, we offer a number of fascinating artifacts from the so called 'Dark Ages'. First on the block is this." said the Auctioneer. "It is rumored to have been the personal branding iron of the Arthurian Era witch, Morgaine Le Fay. Legend has it this piece has some sort of magical power. Gotham Auctioneers, Limited, makes no such guarantee."

Klarion leaves and sits down for the auction which is for the branding iron used by Morgaine Le Fay. Klarion bids $100,000 but a man named Jason Blood bids $110,000. The two soon enter a bidding war until Klarion bids $250,000. The auction is about to end when Bruce unexpectedly bids one million and wins.

"One million."

Nicely done, Bruce. Going once, going twice...and sold once again to the boy billionaire himself.

"That's a lot." said Megan. "(But of course, this is Bruce Wayne here.)"

So much for Tim getting any type of raise from Bruce.

"There goes my raise." Tim asks Bruce this next question. "So what now? Gonna buy a heard of cattle to use it on?"

Bruce picks up the iron and is confronted by Klarion who gives a warning but is interrupted by Jason Blood.

"Exquisite craftsmanship, isn't it, Mr. Wayne?" said the young Klarion. "Enjoy it while you can."

"Who are -?"

Just then, Jason Blood comes in.

"Klarion. Why am I not surprised to see you here?"

They seem to know each other quite well.

"We do have a way of bumping into each other, Uncle Jason." said the boy. "Next time, it will be on purpose."

Klarion starts to walk away with his cat Teekl. Klarion acknowledges that they meet often but claims they will meet on purpose next time. And soon, both Bruce and Jason know each other to be news to both Tim and Megan to see that.

"What a creepy kid he is...Oh, Bruce, you know this man?"

"Jason." he said hi.

"Bruce. Thanks for stepping in."

It would seem that Bruce greets Jason, and he tells Bruce that Klarion turned his own parents into mice.

"It was nothing. But tell me, how'd you ever get a brat like that for a nephew?" Bruce asked.

"We're not related." Jason tells them. "For some reason, it amuses him to call me 'Uncle', but don't underestimate him. He'll do anything to get what he wants."

"Is that so?" said Megan. "Jason Blood, I feel like I know you from somewhere..." Jason kisses Megan's hand to greet her next.

"Ms. Megan Tsuki, the Psych. A pleasure to meet with the beauty bounty hunter and Batman's girl/partner."

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