Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman

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The New Batman Adventures 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #140 - Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman

On one of Gotham City's highways, a truck is carrying a load of crates out of the city is being escorted by thugs in a car. Out of nowhere, a jet-like craft piloted by a woman in a Bat-costume lands on the trailer and opens a crate. She takes out one of the high-tech rifles and blasts the thugs' car off the road. The woman then destroys part of the rest of the load, and soon after, the truck's co-driver intervenes. As Megan drives through to stop this mess, to then seeing someone stop it for her of another bat person, only its a woman.

"Huh? A woman in a Bat-Costume? Batwoman?" she was confused. "Well, that's something you barely see on the streets a lot." Megan calls up Batman to let him know from above from her belt. "Bruce. Tim. It's me, and there's someone else doing the work for us and I don't know how else to put it, but it's a Batwoman."

For both Bruce/Batman and Tim/Robin heard Megan loud and clear.

"Batwoman? Are you sure, Megan?" Batman asks his fiancé.

Back on the streets....

"Look out!"

They fight, and it attracts the attention of Batman and Robin when a stray shot nearly hits the Batwing. That almost killed them!

"Wow!" Robin was freaking out. "Megan, you may be right. Someone's started the light show too soon."

The fight goes the Batwoman way; she knocks the thug into the river and escapes on her glider and allowing Megan to use her car to drive in auto mode and then climbs on to the truck to stop the thugs and help Batwoman stop them. Well, one since the other's out.

"(She's good, I'll give that much.)" she said to climbing up top to giving Batman and Robin a sign. "Hey lady, I saw you fighting and thought you can use a hand!"

Batwoman then fires one last shot at the truck, which sends it off the highway with Megan on it.

"Sorry, gotta fly."

"Hey! What the heck?!" Megan hangs on to dear life.

Batman saves the truck and Megan by firing a hook from the Batwing preventing it from falling to the street.

"Megan?" Batman worries about her.

Feeling a bit shaken, but Megan was doing well to be breathing and handcuffing the other bad guy too.

"I'm good! Thanks for the save! (My God, what was that all about?! Batwoman almost killed me! I know she's not a bad guy, but this is a serious offense if I didn't hold on.)"

For Batman to almost see Megan get hurt there, her seeing another female type of superhero in Gotham, and news to Robin as well.

"Looks like Megan's alive and kicking." he said to then saying to Bruce/Batman about Batwoman. "And this Batwoman person...Haven't seen her around the Batcave."

Robin wonders who the woman is, but Batman remains silent as he pilots the Batwing carrying the truck away. For the two boys and Megan herself wonder the same thing as well...

"Who is this Batwoman person?"

Tayla: Who is Batwoman that Megan just asked. Well, we'll learn that is this final part of the Batman series third movie to end things off to skipping the opening of this movie...And enjoy the rest, it'll be lots of fun! Action and a mystery here.

Later that night at Wayne Manor, Alfred has a theory about Batwoman's identity that she could be one of his old enemies taking a new persona such as Catwoman.

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