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The New Batman Adventures 'Fan Fiction Love Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode #114 – Critters

Out in a convention hall, microbiologist Farmer Brown proudly displays the results of his research: a giant sheep. He believes that having giant animals will help to end world hunger.

"Behold, the giant farm animals of my creation." said Farmer Brown. "From caring and eating to solve all of world's problems in no time."

For Bruce, Megan, Gordon, the press, and everyone else to be seeing something from a sci-fi movie, it was very real for Megan to see before her very eyes and for Gidget taking a lot of pictures.

"That's real? If it is, then someone should be making a fish Creature from the Black Lagoon movie next."

However, the sheep becomes irritated by the flashing cameras and escapes the cage for not even Farmer Brown, or his daughter Emmylou couldn't stop it.

"Settle down, boy."

No luck there for Megan couldn't shoot at it either.

"This thing's fast!" she said to see Bruce was in danger to have a plan to play along. "Bruce, get back! (You can do it.)"

The animal then goes on a short rampage in the hall, only to be stopped when Bruce throws a curtain over it, causing it to blindly rush forward and stun itself by bashing into the wall. Farmer Brown then gives the sheep a sedative, and the incident is over for the time being.

"Don't hurt it, Daddy." said Emmylou.

"Don't worry, pumpkin, just a little sedative to be dreaming for a while."

Commissioner Gordon complements Bruce on his quick thinking and Bruce fibs that he was trying to escape through the window.

"Great thinking, Wayne." said Gordon.

Bruce tries to act like to be his normal rich boy self.

"Actually, I was trying to escape through the window..."

As Farmer Brown and his daughter look on worriedly, the press begins snapping photos of the sedated sheep. For Megan gets the cops to carefully take the creature somewhere else, as she had no choice but to place Farmer Brown and his daughter under arrest after what just happened.

"Sorry I have to do this, you two, but the law's the law." she said. "Let's go. (You shouldn't do this idea in the first place, so dumb!)"

Later, Farmer Brown is summoned to court over the incident and is ordered to remove all giant animals from Gotham and his experiments terminated. Farmer Brown pleads with the judge, claiming stopping his experiments will ruin him, but the judge has no sympathy. Farmer Brown is outraged and decides to show them some real monsters...Well, that's not good. A year passes and Bruce is on a date that isn't going so well for Megan to be on patrol to watch on him 'and hated for him to be dating as an act'.

"...And after you didn't call, I was beginning to think you'd forgotten me." a girl name Date said to Bruce. "That maybe I'd end up like all the others."

Poor Megan has to sit through this...

"I've just been busy at work. You've got to have a little faith, Sharon." Bruce says her name wrong for Date frowns. "Karen?" she does it again to Bruce. "You're not going to help me, are you?"

Just then, an elderly woman at the next table suddenly screams that there's a bug and points to a giant praying mantis.

"Ah, there's a giant bug!"

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