Ichigo Kurosaki

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Bleach – The Heart of the Matter

By Tayla Drago

In Japan of Karakura Town, has a school where Ichigo, Orihime, Chad, Uryu, Hayame, Keigo, Tatsuki, and other students learn to become adults and such while they were still teenagers...Along with Rukia, Sonia, and Alucard to go undercover there too and Renji as he was working there as a janitor, I see he doesn't have to go to almost look like a teenage person to anyone else to see. But there was more than learning and having fun to also make some friends and all – danger was also lurking to appear to be some type of spider. Ew! I hate bugs! Things only get much worse when everyone goes missing all over the entire building from strange web-like strings...

From Uryu, Hayame, Chad, Orihime, Rukia, Renji, Tatsuki, Chizuru, Michiru, Ryo, Mahana, Misato, Mizuiro, Kagine, other students or boys and girls, and the male and female teachers 'to co-workers as well' just all of them disappear suddenly. One of Dracula's monsters? It must be...for Sonia and Alucard already senses the danger inside of the place to know of two people who weren't there yet, well one of them wasn't while the other one was still hiding. And the other one...it was Ichigo who was just arriving to school, only to come at the worse timing for Alucard and Sonia needed to warn him about the situation right away; as well as Urahara and Tessai both sense out the danger as well as with one more member along the way.

"Oh, dear..." Tessai sense something out to try to stop it in time. "Kisuke, we got trouble."

He shows it to his boss.

"So another one of his goons, isn't it?" he asked. "Also, they got to both Renji and Rukia, huh? This is not good..."

"It would seem like it. More of them invading Ichigo's school with everyone but one human, himself, Alucard, and Sonia who are already there."

Looks like Kisuke knows on what must be done right away.

"In that case, we better lend them a helping hand right away." he calls out for another back up with him besides Tessai. "You know what to do. So get your human body going until we arrived, a group of demon spiders are causing trouble."

I hope those two will show up in no time...As Ichigo Kurosaki walks his way at to the school to not feeling out the danger just yet. And why is that? He sees some spider webs all over his jacket to be freaking out, a bit too much to really be afraid of it.

"(Ah, man...! Not those things again.)" Ichigo sees them were all over the place. "(Bad timing for the season of spiders to be showing up like this. Why spiders?)" now he feels out for this something was very wrong at his school to look around. (Where is everybody? It's all so quiet...) Hello? Chad? Orihime? Hayame? Uryu? Rukia? Renji? Keigo...? (Why did I call out for him?) Mizuiro? Tatsuki? Sonia? Alucard? Kon-? (Ah! Okay, maybe I should've not called him out!) You guys! I can't find any teachers or the other students!" he still didn't see anything but only more spider webs to know something was very wrong. "(Where is everybody? More spider webs...)"

With Ichigo freaking out to have a look around some more, seems like this one was still in the empty school building for it was Keigo himself to come out of the bathroom. Seems to happen when he was the only one to go but the other boys. Trying to know what was going on himself to get a spider web in the face to walk right into it.

"Ah! Gross!" he gets it off. "When was the last time these people had this entire place dusted? And where did everybody go? On a field trip...? I hope they didn't leave me behind again!" Keigo has a look around to see from all the rooms to find one with one mysterious but beautiful girl to be lying on the ground, leaving Keigo to like this cute girl to go have a look with her back turned to look so innocent. "Oh...! Hello!" he tries playing it cool. "Good morning, hot stuff. I'm Keigo Asano and you're in Karakura High School, and I take it you're new, right? Something strange is going on lately today to find no one else's around. So it just us two, want to tag along to go find the others...? Huh?" Keigo soon sees the girl having a strange tattoo of a spider marking on her back with lots of other spiders to come out of nowhere. "What the...?" Then the girl turns around to show her true self – with the upper body of a woman, but with a bottom body of a spider to be shown to freak Keigo out. "Ah....?! You're not a normal pretty girl!"

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