Retsu Unohana and Richard Belmont

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Bleach – The Heart of the Matter

By Tayla Drago

So, we know about Sonia Yamamoto/Belmont, The Master Liberian, Ferryman, a little from Maria and Howey, and a little from Richard Belmont, but for the rest about him? Well, here's more from this other Belmont hero to be under Dracula's curse and who's being controlled by a demon. What is that thing...? Anyways, about Richard himself:

Richard Belmont fights similarly to his ancestors Leon, Simon, Trevor, and Richter. He, too, can maneuver around foes very well both on the ground and while in the air plus he has the convenience of an always-available double jump. Like Sonia is to be more than human and a Soul Reaper with some Belmont skills to train for, Richard is more limited in terms of combos-since he has only the whip-but he borrows the 'finisher' mechanic and can thus expand the number of combinations, which are more insane than anything Leon showcased. And he can evade enemy attacks with the very same one- or two-step guard dodge. Exclusive is his ability to at any time use one of five typical sub-weapons, which he can switch between and furthermore enhance with a crashing effect. Since Richard's quest is not governed (outside of collecting new whip extensions), he'll instead have to increase his potency by collecting life-, heart-, defense- and attack-up icons.

(Main Weapon: Vampire Killer Whip

Weapon Power-Up: Attack-Ups increase the whip's strength

Alternate Weapons: Flame Whip; Circle Tip; Wind Whip; Ice Whip; Abyss Whip; Holy Whip; and Square Tip

Sub-Weapon Power-Up: Item-crash for all five sub-weapons

Starting Abilities: Richard can double jump; execute whip-and-attack combos; and guard dodge

Gained Abilities: None

Armor: None)

And...I guess this is who Richard from all the details I can gather – as well as the Mind Controlled Richard Belmont to obey Dracula's orders to go and capture Sonia to bring her back to his master while gathering the blood, souls of others, and kill anyone who stands in his way. Not good...He already arrives in the Soul Society the next day. Also, Sonia gets checked in the Squad Four to get treated fine without turning into a vampire as both Kiwi and Ukitake waited for her in the waiting room for Hanataro to aid the girl to look well from his healing skills that he can do.

"You seem to be just weak from Dracula's curse, Sonia, from the looks of it." he tells her while looking at Sonia's medical charts. "A bit drained from your energy when you were trapped in Succubus's domain, it must've been scary for you and the other guy who she worked with, huh?"

Like Sonia had to hear Succubus's name repeatedly to deal with her so many times.

"(Don't remind me...!) But I will be able to still fight, right?" she asked to fight off the curse mark from Dracula's doing.

"Other than feeling tired, you're still you."

At least she's not a full vampire. This makes Sonia happy to be able to fight in a bit once she rests up, for Retsu to appear to say once she comes into the room. As she was the captain of Squad Four to make sure all of her patients and everyone else was doing well from both her kindness and strong will 'she doesn't even know about it herself'. Still, you gotta love Retsu on what she does best.

"Well done, Hanataro, your healing skills never seems to be amazing every day to helping out others." Retsu said to her lieutenant.

"Oh, it was nothing really...Captain Unohana..." said the shy Hanataro. "I'm just doing my job."

Shy guy to still have a good heart for a clumsy person Hanataro was, huh? Sonia tries to get going after getting checked.

"And that's a good thing."

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