Shunsui Kyoraku and Nanao Ise

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Bleach – The Heart of the Matter

By Tayla Drago

(Belmont Saga: Part 2)

Some chapter/episode the last one was, huh? Something else...From Dracula making his appearances to warn everyone from the Soul Society and the World of the Living of his upcoming ruling to all the worlds to change everything from bad to worse and to have Sonia and Richard Belmont powers for himself to complete it all. So much! Sonia getting some powers of Soul Reaper to a new attack to stop her enemies with 'even Alucard' for her friends and Ukitake will be there for her to fight on; as Ichigo does the same thing for both Renji and Rukia to tell the others on what they got back from the Soul Society to see the hologram of Dracula was all real for them, Ichigo, Orihime, Chad, Uryu, Hayame, Kon, and Maria with Howey had a word with one another after training 'for today' to question themselves on what they should do next. No kidding, what's going to happen next? Does anyone know? Let's not forget about the strange blonde woman in a red dress who aided Sonia and the others too, who is she? Anyways, back with Ichigo and the others real quick back at the Belmont Village. As for Master Shu, Furio, George, Urahara, Yoruichi, Ururu, Jinta, Tessai, Ririn, Kurodo, and Noba discuss on other things like it too in the other room so they get the whole mess like the others were.

"Damn that Dracula...!" angered Ichigo. "Trying to threaten us to try changing things and hurting others...?"

"I still can't believe Dracula's going this far." said Orihime.

"That he is..." same with Chad.

"Dracula's a madman!" Kon was screaming his head off.

For Ichigo to punch a wall to know that he can't let Dracula win or see Sonia be put in danger again.

"Damn it! What can we do now?! Just wait until he comes after all of us or what?!"

Feeling upset for poor Ichigo and everyone else, all was not lost...well, for Howey to peck at Ichigo to keep him calm from Maria's doing.

"Please, Ichigo, calm yourself. Getting upset won't solve everything." she said for Howey to come back to her. "See? Even Howey knows all about it."

"Ow! Really?"

Ha! Ichigo just got pecked by an owl.

"Look, Ichigo, she's right. Well...they both are." Hayame said to agree with Maria and Howey. "This is only the beginning of everything we're fighting for against Dracula. To end the curse that is. But we need more time, we're getting close if we continue to train for twenty-six more days to go by fast."

For others to agree, even for Uryu to take Hayame's word for it as well.

"If Hayame and Maria said so, then I also do. If we just stick together."

"Seriously?!" Ichigo was lost.

Well...I can't say I blame him for getting all worried to protect his friends, for they're worried about him more than their own lives.

"Hey! We told you on what we just heard back from Captain Kuchiki himself, Ichigo!" said Renji. "So what else are you worried about. We'll be fine to fight again soon."

What else was Ichigo worried about besides protecting his friends? He was almost killed by Dracula to force Sonia to curse her with the bite mark to slowly become a vampire 'even though she's fighting back', to thought that she died to have the power to be send to the Soul Society to be a Soul Reaper and half human. You know? Is that what Ichigo was worried about? To see someone else die, betrayal like Alucard was, and Richard Belmont who was cursed? Rukia might know to cheer her friend up because they needed Ichigo to fight back. A friend/sister she was to him, I like their friendship very much.

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