From the World of the Living to the Soul Society

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Bleach – The Heart of the Matter

By Tayla Drago

What?! Yamamoto himself has a niece? And it's none other than Sonia Belmont to be half human and Soul Reaper? Not a Belmont? Saying that his brother had a daughter, what happen back then...? The other captains must learn more about this story since Sonia was recovering at Squad 4 right now after getting bitten from Dracula's curse to take over her 'or tries to', leaving the others from the World of the Living of Ichigo to think Sonia was killed. But she was alive and well from the looks of it. Hopefully, Yoruichi will give out her reasons of her being gone as she comes back as a cat; while Ichigo was upset for Chad, Uryu, Orihime, Rukia, Renji, Hayame, Kon, Ririn, Kurodo, and Noba to worry about him more than themselves to be recovering well thanks to Rukia, Orihime, and Tessai's help. Seems like him, Jinta, Ururu, and Urahara know of the mess to let the others know of the good news in a bit. More with them later on...But first let's get back to the Soul Society for Yamamoto has some explaining to do for all the nine other captains. No kidding!

"What?!" Soi Fon was really shock. "But Head Captain Yamamoto...! We never knew you had a niece to begin with!"

"It's true." Retsu show everyone the test results. "Both him and Sonia are related. Surprising, isn't it?"

The papers were right for Sonia was related in the Yamamoto family.

"If that's the case, how did this human arrive in the Soul Society?" ask Byakuya. "No gate was open."

"True, Captain Kuchiki, it wasn't. She had the power to do it. I didn't know about it until today, a very rare power for a half breed of a Soul Reaper has from within them." explained Yamamoto. "Forgive me, everyone, I had reasons why I didn't explain why I had a niece in the first place because I thought she was dead. My brother's only child left in his family after what happened to him and his wife. I wish his three sons would see this if they didn't get departed away from the area to see this day." he then clears his throat. "Now then, allow me explain the story about my brother's life and his youngest child in the family who's name is Sonia Yamamoto..."

Guess I better explain Yamamoto's story...Yamamoto had an older brother to be the head captain of all the 13 Court Guard Squads from long ago to be a proud family member to protect souls and stop Hollows for centuries. That's when one day he spotted a human girl with long blonde hair to have a type of special power for a human like she was; taking her in for the man to fall in love to soon get married and had children together; from three brothers from oldest, middle one, and shortest for them to one day becoming Soul Reapers themselves to be half human too along with the youngest daughter in the Yamamoto family who was none other than Sonia to be half of those things and powers on her mother's side. For Yamamoto was proud of his older brother to be an uncle to his three nephews and one niece.

Years later for Sonia and her three brothers train hard to become Soul Reapers for this girl to do the same thing while having adventures throughout the entire Soul Society to help out others and making friends over time to love this little girl for her mother, father, Yamamoto, and her brothers all love her; things then change when one day a storm happen to make the most powerful rain type of floods to try killing the villagers to drown from their homes for all of the Soul Reapers saves them all with Sonia's help for her brothers...but then she falls in to try holding on to dear life, but couldn't reach her father's hand to be drifted away to they all thought she was dead – but in truth Sonia had the power all along to lose her memories from the Soul Society and goes to the World of the Living to be found by the mayor of the village, Master Keigo Shu, Richard, Maria, and Howey's home to take her in to say she was a Belmont 'to try to protect Sonia by making up a story', only to be adopted by one who was Richard only the last of his kind 'the real one'; since then Sonia grew up becoming a Belmont for the battle against Dracula would happen and it has. So, what happened to Yamamoto's older brother, his three nephews, and the sister-in-law of his during the years to pass afterwards? Not a good one to say the least...

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