Kenpachi Zaraki and Yachiru Kusajishi

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Bleach – The Heart of the Matter

By Tayla Drago

Cool! Last time we got to learn more about Dracula himself and his past, along with Lisa's and Alucard's too, with the other legendary warriors who stopped the Prince of Darkness from back then...Not bad so far. And yet, the making of the Bounts of Rao Tao's doing was also trying to bring back Dracula was all of the old captain's doing 'from Squad Nine', Inkia. As Shunsui and Ukitake knew of him back then to have his plans put in to action even before his death to have some Soul Reaper powers, a Bount, and vampire within this new Count Dracula? Could this all be true? Hmmm...Well, besides having both Nanao and Shunsui for those two to get Belmont powers now like the others, who knows on who else will little by little. For Sonia to fight back, that's all that matters the most and less of the curse thanks to Mayuri's help to find a cure and studying more on the monsters.

One night for Sonia to be sleeping at Squad Thirteen after training hard today to have more control from the curse from within her, to then hear someone calling out to her to wake up from. A dream maybe? Showing the woman with blonde hair in a red color dress to have the same power as she did, but it was a bit different.

"(Huh? I feel someone who's a lot like me, but who could I it be?)" she looks around the room to have a look outside next. "Who's there? Hello? Anyone...?" Sonia finds no one to feel out where the strange energy was coming from. "(It's moving away fast. I...I have to see what or who it is out there and fast!)"

I guess Sonia takes off in her Soul Reaper uniform and carrying her Zanpakto to find this someone throughout the entire Sereitei to see who person was. And by luck, someone was spying on her for one for it was Yachiru and the other...her captain herself of Squad Eleven, Kenpachi Zaraki himself. What did they want with her?! At a bad time like this? the middle of the night?!

"Kenny, look! There she goes! Sonny!" Yachiru smiled to point out. "I wonder what she's doing at night time? People should be sleeping...What do you think, Kenny?"

For Kenpachi to be smiling, he wanted to find out himself by following Sonia on where she was heading to.

"Don't know. But whatever that might be, this is my chance to have a good talk with this Sonia friend of yours in person. Let's go have some fun, Yachiru." he said smiling to have Yachiru ride on his back. "Hold on tight."

"Yeah! Kenny's going to play with Sonny! This is going to be fun!"

I can't tell if Kenpachi meeting with Sonia alone with Yachiru tagging along is a good thing or a bad thing. I don't know! For Sonia to follow this strange person all the way to the Rukon area to where the outside place of the huge water fall was at 'as the strange woman stops to wait for Sonia's arrival', and for Deku to fly around to have another shot to capture her and gather the souls and blood this time. Soon to strike again with another monster to bring out soon while still spying around.

"Alone at night time, huh Belmont Girl? Well, this time I will get my chance to shine for Lord Dracula to complete with the task. Unlike Richard and that dumb bitch Succubus." said the little vampire bat. "I show them all on what I can do. As for Lord Dracula's son...I couldn't care less about him. Still, I got more things to take care of."

Whatever Deku is thinking about for his next counter attack, it won't be good...Not at all. For Sonia to arrive near the waterfalls to find the mysterious woman to look around to feel the same Spiritual Pressure she has. Looking around a bit more to see someone standing near the rocks of the lake to Sonia to finally catching up to this woman.

"(There she is...)" Sonia remembers seeing the woman who aided the others from the last battle. "(I've seen her once. She saved me, Momo, Ayame with the other kids, and Izuru when we had trouble stopping Big Brother, Werewolf, and Minotaur Beast.)" she then calls to the woman to get her attention. "Hey! You there! You're the one you aided us from the other day, didn't you? I didn't thank you for that! But still, who are you? You are on our side against Dracula and his goons, aren't you? Show yourself!"

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