Kon and Don Kanonji

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Bleach – The Heart of the Matter

By Tayla Drago

And now...for another character to be hanging out with Sonia and Alucard, while stopping another monster who works for Dracula, it's the famous, weird, annoying, but still good at heart of Don Kanonji-!

Kon: Hold up! I'm in this too you know besides that weirdo, Ichigo's two sisters, and Kisuke Urahara's two little helpers. You know me. As the Karakura King, Kon the Modsoul!

Tayla: Wait! Wait! You mean Kon as Karakura King of the Karakura Team with Don Kanonji and Friends? With you two, Karin, Yuzu, Jinta, and Ururu?

Kon: Yeah, that! Do that one! With Sonia in it of course, and...I guess Alucard.

Tayla: Alrighty then.

Kon: Thank you! Finally, some respect to be in something big occasionally...

Continuing on...Well, it's one of those episodes, huh? Might as well do it. Well, with Don Kanonji appearing once again for his next episode of his show in Karakura Town of course for some of the people to be fans of his to see in person; now elsewhere in town for another monster was walking by who's very small of a beast with no eyes, with a nose, a huge mouth with bloody teeth, two long legs, skin of a dead rotten corpse, and does one thing besides eating anything...when eating it grows a lot bigger to cause a lot of trouble in town. Oh, boy...When will Dracula stop all of this? Guess not. Well, Sonia was on her way to get Ichigo to do some training along with Rukia and Kon, only Rukia was out and Kon was around somewhere 'for Yuzu to dress him up again to try getting out of it', she couldn't find the two or Ichigo to be out on some chores to run. Still, she looks around the house to try finding him.

"(Hmm...He told me he, Rukia, and Kon would be here today. But I don't feel either one of them in this house hold.)" Sonia had a look around since Ichigo gave her a spare key to his house. "(Who knew his father was a doctor...)" she then calls out to the three. "Ichigo? Rukia? Kon? Are you three ready or what? We got more training to do today, remember? Hello?! Anybody home?!"

Checking around some more, Isshin sees Sonia 'to be a huge fan of hers' to come running out to ask for a favor other than he was happy to see a celebrate in his house.

"Sonia Belmont! Is it really you?!" Isshin comes running in the living room. "From the B-Last Band?! It is you! I'm a huge fan! And any fan and friend of Ichigo's, is a friend of mine!" Sonia kicks Isshin down from her reflect defense skills, for he was fine to get kicked or punch around a lot.

"Oh, sorry! You scared me..." she sees Ichigo's father for the first time. "Say, aren't you Ichigo's father?"

He gets back up to get Sonia photo and autograph for her to sign for him as he introduces himself.

"Yes, am I, name's Doctor Isshin Kurosaki who runs a clinic in my home. Please to meet you, Sonia. If you're looking for my son, I hate to say it but he's out to helping me somewhere for today, but he'll be back later." he said to have another thing in mind. "Anyways, I've been wanting to ask one of his friends to pick up my two-little daughters. Could you do this little favor for me?"

"Huh? I'm no babysitter!"

Isshin gives Sonia a list on what to do to pick up and keep he eyes on Karin and Yuzu for the day. Guess training would have to wait until the next day, seeing her and Alucard has no other choice for he was in a hurry to leave.

"I'll pay you, it's fine. This one's on me. Ichigo must help me do some things today. Anyways, pick up Karin from school for she plays soccer afterwards with her friends, while Yuzu is watching her, and take them to see them celebrate Don Kanonji, he's famous like you are, Sonia. He's in town and all, and get me an autograph from him, would you please? Thank you so much. See you later, gotta run now! Bye!"

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