Round Six: Uryu vs. Joker

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Bleach – The Heart of the Matter

By Tayla Drago

A battle to be going on in a bowling/arcade/restaurant for many lives were in grave danger, even the B-Last Band members and crew people for Alucard to fight through the Lillie's vines to try draining them. Same with Urahara, Tessai, Yoruichi, Jinta, Ururu, Ririn, Kurodo, and Noba to do the same back outside; along with Sonia, Hayame, and Kon 'in Ichigo's body' to stop the rest back inside the building. So many vines of this deadly flower monster who works for Dracula! As for the other six saving the lives into hiding to face against Dracula's six powerful monster armies now 'well seven once since Urahara beaten Executioner' for these matches I'll try to make them a bit short, okay? There almost like the boss fights in Castlevania Legends from the Game Boy game.

No worries about Hayame, she will be fine to rush to Uryu's side in case anyone of you are wondering about her for she was on her way up now...Also, hey! Urahara did it! With the plant demon destroyed by team work thanks to him, Yoruichi, Tessai, Jinta, Ururu, Ririn, Kurodo, and Noba have all done it with their team work to go inside which means the Lillie's of Doom was destroyed from the power core to the other vines will soon die out too; with the other lives that were saved to have their energies back to be sleeping now. Alright! And one more monster left for Uryu to stop – Uryu Ishida vs. Joker. Battling in the hallways of the building up top of the roof entrance, this Quincy keeps his guard up from anything for this monster to have some fun 'like Joker was acting like a little kid'.

Death once again appears in his usual cloak, and armed with his big and nasty scythe! Once that someone enters his domain, the ropes will pull themselves up, and the floor closes. So that person should try not to be hit by the big scythe or the small sickles that home. Using the Ice Soul and whipping away are a good strategy and Fire Soul. I call him 'Joker' in this version...

"Oh, nice of you to get the weak humans away for us to play, boy. You have such wonderful powers, I can sense it when I was flying all the way up here."

For Joker to be laughing like a mad-man type of way, Uryu thinks he was dealing with something of a powerful monster behind any made up type of creature, well it was related almost...

"You work for Dracula, don't you?" he asked to get his Quincy type of Belmont powers of bow, arrow, and light saber-like sword to be ready. "What are you? Death himself? The Grim Reaper?"

"Ha! I wish! But good guess there." Joker said then while laughing. "I'm Death's student type of creation to aid him a bit to have some of his powers but a bit different to do things my way. I go by the Joker. I wish to play with you while I carry out Lord Dracula's task to kill anyone who stands in our way. Do you wish to fight or let me murder innocent bystanders? Your call..."

So that's what Joker is to be a creation of both Death and Dracula to have some powers like his teacher has, just in a teenager type of way to still kill without showing any mercy, to be cutting a bird down with his scythe type of weapon to die in seconds, his weapon was sharp. He flies up in the air for Uryu fires a warning shot near his outfit to rip a bit. Damn! Too close there to almost lose his head!

"Then I say you're on, you bag of bones. But we shall take this battle outside where no one else will get killed, just you and me. I've been dying to do more of the Belmont's Quincy powers to put to the test again after so much training I've been doing." Uryu leads the way to go outside of the building roof top to prepare for battle.

Joker flies to follow Uryu as well to be ready to fight 'unaware that Hayame was on her way in the same area' and so were both Orihime and Renji. Let see how the last Quincy 'while borrowing the powers of Sonia's and the other type of powers from his kind' gets put to the test besides the Puppet Master battle he and Hayame had fought with.

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