Ikkaku Madarame and Yumichika Ayasegawa

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Bleach – The Heart of the Matter

By Tayla Drago

And now...The talk with Ichigo and Sonia to chitchat on the monitor thing that Urahara had from the World of the Living for him and Rukia listening in too, and the same with Sonia for Yamamoto and Chojiro to do the same thing back at the Soul Society. From Sonia to be making more Soul Reaper friends to be part of her training to become one to have a lot of fun today, same with Ichigo for him, Orihime, Chad, Renji, and Kon to be spying on Uryu and Hayame who were on a date and now they were in love. Oh! Also, for Rukia to jump in to help them out to stop Chimera who was Dracula's demons to almost destroyed them all, but it didn't. From hearing out on what a day were like from one another and before that for what's to happen next, it was still good for them to hear and see each other once again 'on the a TV-like screen'. Sonia was happy to see Ichigo survived from Dracula stabbing him and himself and for Sonia who didn't really died. Although she was cursed by trying not to turn into a vampire 'to not lose control of her humanity not even once'.

"Wow, now that must've been something else!" Sonia was amazed to hear one story. "From Uryu and Hayame have finally went out and stopped a Chimera together, huh? Not bad. But still, it serves Renji and Kon right to make you guys spy on them."

"Tell me about it." Ichigo laughs. "And you training to become a Soul Reaper on the first step to also be making friends. Kiyone, Sentaro, Ikkaku, Yumichika, Yachiru, Rangiku, Hisagi, Izuru, and Momo, right? I heard a lot about this Momo Hinamori girl from Renji and Rukia. A good kid, I'm glad she's feeling better."

A lot to talk about for Sonia to keep on making friends, heal up a bit, carefully controlling the curse from her body, and becoming a Soul Reaper with some help to stay strong for Ichigo to hear about; and him telling her about in a few days for him and the others to continue training back at her adopted home of the Belmont Village. As well as stopping Dracula soon and his other monsters. Sounds like a plan there. For them to be talking, laughing, acting a bit silly and such, it was good for them to be talking again as best friends/siblings' relationship they were having. With Yoruichi to hear the rest at Urahara's place, and Ukitake does the same thing back at Yamamoto's headquarters.

"Still, I can't believe you thought I was dead."

"Yeah, my bad...I didn't know you were a half human and Soul Reaper to have the ability to do it alone of the Senkaimon, to make your own portals. Maybe when your curse is gone, you can come and visit us."

Sonia hopes to see the others again to still hang out and all 'even after Alucard's betrayal was still hard on all of them'.

"Yeah, it's something else..." Sonia said to try to stay strong. "Ichigo, when you see Master Keigo Shu, Maria, Howey, the Mayor, everyone else when you guys go, tell them all I said hi. And I'll save my Big Brother real soon. Or you guys will."

Ichigo knew what Sonia was going through right now...

"We'll save him. Because the next time I see Dracula and his son, I'll cut both their asses down for good this time...! For me and you!" said Ichigo to keep his word on it. "I won't let you down, Sonia, we will rescue Richard and put an end to the curse for good."

With the time limit was almost up, they said their good-byes 'for now' to leave out a few more notes in mind.

"Looks like our time's almost up. Listen, Ichigo, let's try to stay strong and talk to each other again real soon, alright?" she said.

For them to be smiling, they place their fists carefully on the screen from one side to another, knowing from their bound as friends will do all they could to end Dracula's curse as a team.

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