Shaft's Imprisonment

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Bleach – The Heart of the Matter

By Tayla Drago

Jinpa and Succubus are dead and they were both defeated, who were once generals who work for Dracula himself. With Richard Belmont free from the curse and who was once controlled by a demon, Sonia couldn't been any happier to have her older step-brother back. A bit of recovering, but he'll be back to fight to finally ending the Dracula's wars and curse for good. Even for her to heal too. As she trains back at the Soul Society...Dracula had his own plans to do to cover the World of the Living in darkness for the monsters and vampires to roam free? What?! I don't like the the sound of that at all. For him, Deku, Death, Shaft, and Chainsaw Killer headed out, Alucard guards the hideout to know that something is about to happen next; besides having Rosa help the Soul Reapers out as a another cursed victim vampire...there was a lot more to be going on right now.

So besides those things and a mysterious woman passing out at the Belmont Village, Master Keigo Shu has gather everyone from Team Ichigo in a meeting to talk about for in a week they'll see Sonia again in person. While the others all over the village were doing fine and the Mayor too; Shu tells the others on what's to come next: as Ichigo, Rukia, Renji, Orihime, Chad, Uryu, Hayame, Kon, Ririn, Kurodo, Noba, Urahara, Yoruichi, Tessai, Jinta, Ururu, Maria, Howey, George 'the Master Liberian', and Ferio 'the Ferryman' to all hear on what the young Belmont master training has to say...For it was important.

"Is everyone here?" Master Shu asked.

Seems like it for all of the fighters who'll be in the war for Howey to move his wing to point that out.

"It would seem that we're present, Master." Maria tells him. "We wish to know what's new. Is it about the war to begin within a week?"

"From that yes it is, however...we better get to the Soul Society soon enough. There's something else that's far deadly to be spreading quickly for both Ferryman and the Master Liberian has told me directly this morning."

For the two men to be nodding a yes on it, was true for Ferio and George to bring the bitter of bad news to Team Ichigo.

"He's right."

"Dracula has made his move once again."

That didn't sound good for Ichigo and the others to over hear, as it was shown from outside 'as the villagers see the darkness slowly covering the sun all over the village, Japan, and the rest all over the world. It wasn't a normal type of dark-figure at all to feel out that this is all Dracula's doing.

"What the hell...? The sun is fading away!" shock Ichigo. "What gives?"

"Its Dracula's doing, correct?" ask Rukia.

"Seems like it." said Renji.

Kon started to panic to run all over the room to act crazy-like.

"AAAAAAAAH! The Sun's dying! We're going to die!" he was running non-stop. "I don't want to go out like this-!" Kon gets hit by Ririn. "Ah!"

"Calm down, you idiot!" she said.

"Who are you calling an idiot?!"

"Hey, hey, let's just calm down for a second and talk about this." said Kurodo. "Look, whatever that monster Dracula's doing this time, we got to put our heads together and try to figure something out. We're a team, aren't we? So we can fix things without any violence."

Kon rubs his head to do the same thing too as he talks back to Ririn.

"And that's by talking and then fighting, Ririn, don't hurt me!" he said to get hit again. "Ouch!"

Well, Kurodo did try for both him and Noba to look at each other to see that was pointless for Noba to say this...

"Or not..."

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