What Happened...?

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Today was a new day. My parents have gone off to New York for their vacation, which was across the entire country. Of course I didn't come along since they wanted some time alone. It was pretty understandable since I always went with them wherever they wanted to go.

I got myself up out of bed, picked out my clothes, and got ready. I made a plan to go sneak into the Pizza Plex today. Nobody could stop me, especially not my parents. They wouldn't be here to know. I packed my portable phone charger, just in case. I also brought along snacks and water so I didn't starve to death. I didn't wanna be trapped and have nobody to help me. I mean honestly, the place has been abandoned for about seven years now.

They said they would be finished building in like— a little more than two months, but I haven't seen a single construction worker or manager there after two weeks. I wonder what happened for them to stop rebuilding the Pizza Plex. Maybe funds? Not enough material? Maybe nobody is willing to go there just due to sketchiness of the company.

Finally, I put on some deodorant and tied my shoes. I made myself a few pancakes to eat before leaving. Did I mention? It's nighttime. Why pancakes? Because I can. Its also all I really crave right now so I might as well enjoy it.

I left my house and locked the door. Iput my headphones on and secured them tight around my head. My phone then started up and played some music as I began to walk to the Pizza Plex. I looked at all the nature around me. All of the green, healthy plants and the beautiful, blossoming flowers. I might as take in everything in case anything happens. You know, some freak accident of something falling on me and killing me. That would be horrible. Especially for my parents. I wouldn't know how to feel if my daughter died to her own curiosity. I couldn't live with it. So I might as well not think of it much.
Anyways, I saw a huge building popping out into my view. So there it was. The one and only, Pizza Plex.

I heard rumors of it being built on top of the old Pizzeria a few years back. It burnt down and a new, even sketchier, company took over and built what we have now. I wonder what happened to the old animatronics there. It's like they got crushed and shoved into the earth's core to be forgotten. Or maybe they remade them into something better? Just ideas.

As I made my way to the building, I found that everything was boarded up. The doors were all closed off and locked. Well, I walked around until I found a huge window panel above the entrance covered in paper. There was a hole. And lucky me again, there was a nearby ladder that I could climb. I grabbed it and set it against the window, carefully taking steps up, careful not to tremble and fall over to the ground. I peered into the building, it was so... messy. It wasn't what I used to know.

I looked below me and noticed a wood plank and boxes stacked on each other. Perfect.
I jumped down and caught myself. I climbed down and looked around. The first thing I saw was that annoying ass robot thing in a poster saying 'PARDON OUR MESS! WE'LL BE BACK SOON!'. Yeah, right. You've abandoned the place two weeks after trying to fix it up. And I could tell why. This place needed some serious work. The floor was dusty and covered in some sort of debris. There were tools and traffic cones everywhere. The walls were dull. All the vibrant color from this place seemed to have left. I held onto the straps of my bag as I walked around. The walls were covered in graffiti.

"Woah..." I traced my finger around the drawings. "I wasn't the only person here."

I walked to my right and noticed a huge text that boldly said 'Don't go in alone...'.

"Or what? You can't stop me." I rolled my eyes and walked past it, ignoring its existence.

I looked around in awe. It was so dark here. But hey, at least it's all here. I looked over across from me and saw a cardboard cutout with Roxanne Wolf and Glamrock Chica together.

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