A Deal

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"I'm sorry for what I did to you Monty, I have to go now."

I entered another area by now. It was much cleaner and organized. I believe that the construction workers were probably in here. Like seriously, they had their tools laying around and everything. I'm sure they'd come back and fix the place because after all, it would be a huge loss of their money if they left all this behind. I sat next to the wall. I needed a break. I'm tired. Really tired.
I closed my eyes and before I knew it, I fell asleep, unaware of what was lurking in the corner.


She fell asleep. This was my chance. Luckily for me, she left her mask on so I could access her.
I teleported to her and took her bag. I wouldn't be giving it back. She's coming with me. She shouldn't be here. I popped up a screen in front of me. Even though she had that mask, she couldn't see what I could do. I'm a special... thing. I encoded something.
I reached out my hand towards her and began to see her get sucked into my world. Don't worry. She can still come back to the real world. I just needed... to warn her, personally.
I disappeared back to my world and saw her against the wall. She was still asleep. Great.
I observed and watched her until she could wake up. I think... she was dead asleep. Possibly very tired from being ordered around by that little... I can't say it.
I moved her bag next to her. It seemed to have all of her belongings... and stolen items. She's a thief..
However, the place is in ruins so she may as well. I'd do it too if I were human. She had a good pick of what she wanted. Freddy and Roxanne were good choices.
There were some snacks and water. If I remember, she did eat earlier before she fell asleep. Poor girl. I'm sorry about this mess.
I kept watch of the cameras and location of the animatronics. Roxanne wasn't here anymore. She had escaped with Cassie a while back before he... the Mimic was released. I was supposed to keep him contained, and I failed. I'm a failure, if anything. I shouldn't have been made for this.

I rubbed my head. I had a big headache. I didn't know what to do anymore. If this place is completely ruined and he gets his way, I'll be destroyed and stuck here for eternity.
I began to shake in fear. I didn't want to be here anymore! I wanted to be like every one else! I just wanted to live other than being worn out.

I noticed she was stretching and yawning. I moved closer to her and stared at her.
She looked at me and her eyes widened.



"TELL ME YOU... YOU!..."

"QUIET!" I demanded.

She sat there and obeyed, clearly terrified.

"I... I am MXES, I am the security to this place." I leaned in closer to her, practically whispering.

I had a bigger form in my world and she was just merely an ant compared to me.

"Why... why am I here?"

"You are here because I need to warn you."

"About what? Aren't you the one trying to kill me?"

"No! I just told you I'm security!"

"To what?"

"Helpi, he... is the one I'm protecting you from. As well as someone else."


"Don't be shocked when I tell you Helpi is not himself..."

"What do you mean? He could never hurt me."

"He is NOT himself! He has been hijacked and hacked by HIM!"

"Who the hell is HIM?"



"It's a vengeful robot with... bad, bad intentions."


"He wanted to be on stage just like the rest of the crew. He has his shell and everything. The manager didn't think he was a good fit and they scrapped him of his parts and used it for the others."

"How do you know?"

"It's coded into my system, but I do have my own conscience so I'm not just an AI."

She stood up.

"Am I able to get out of here now?"

"Not just yet... I need to make a deal with you."

"Fine. What's the deal?"

"If you can find my base just in time.. turn back on the security protocols and I'll get you out here."

"Can't get me out now?"

"Look, if you don't turn them on, there's a chance he'll find it and destroy it and I'll be stuck here for eternity."

"Alright... deal. I'll get you out of here."

"That's a good girl!"

I teleported her out of my world and cheered to myself. Of course, she was brought back to the same place she was sleeping at. I didn't wanna ruin her direction and make her fall into something not good...

That wouldn't be so fortunate, wouldn't it?

~Won't You Free Me?~ (SECURITY BREACH: RUINS The Entity X reader)Where stories live. Discover now